Select one of the following links to view specific Zend Studio feature-related procedures. For basic information on the related features, see the Concepts section.
Feature/Concept |
Abstract |
Adding Comments |
Describes how to comment and uncomment lines and blocks of code. |
Applying Quick Fixes |
Describes how to apply a quick fix suggestion. |
Configuring a Project's PHP Build Path |
Describes how to configure your project's PHP Build Path to select resources to be included or excluded from the Build process. |
Configuring a Project's PHP Include Path |
Describes how to add external resources to a project's include path to make resources outside the project available for operations such as debugging, refactoring and content assist. |
Connecting to Databases |
Describes how to connect to and interact with a database using the Data Tools Platform. |
Creating HTML Files |
Describes how to create new HTML files and how to open them in the PHP/HTML WYSIWYG Editor, allowing implementation of Zend Studio's full HTML editing functionality. |
Creating New Projects |
Describes how to create new projects in Zend Studio. |
Creating PHP Elements |
Describes how to create new PHP elements in Zend Studio. |
Creating PHP Files |
Describes how to create and open new PHP files in Zend Studio. |
Creating PHP Working Sets |
Describes how to create PHP Working Sets from the Window Menu in the PHP Perspective. |
Customizing Zend Studio Using the Welcome Page |
Describes how to add or remove plugins from your product according to your preferences, allowing you to develop in a lighter and faster environment. |
Debugging and Profiling Zend Server Events |
Describes how to debug Zend Server monitoring events from within Zend Studio. |
Debugging Files and Applications |
Describes how to debug your files and projects using the built-in debugging features. |
Developing with JavaScript |
Describes a range of JavaScript features that are available within PHP files and projects, as well as in standalone JavaScript files. |
Developing with Zend Framework |
Describes how to develop Zend Framework projects in Zend Studio. |
Finding and Replacing |
Describes how to do a Find and Replace for a string within a file. |
Formatting Code |
Describes how to format your scripts. |
Generating Getters and Setters |
Describes how to generate getter and setter functions for all variables within a class. |
Installing Dependencies with Bower |
Describes how to install dependencies in a project using Bower. |
Integrating with Zend Guard |
Describes how to encode your Zend Studio projects using Zend Guard. |
Integrating with Zend Server |
Describes how Zend Studio is integrated with Zend Server. |
Managing JavaScript Libraries |
Describes how to work with Zend Studio's JavaScript library support. |
Managing Path Maps |
Describes how to manage Path Map settings in Zend Studio. Using Path Mapping allows Zend Studio to search for files which are called from a certain location on the server in a local location during remote PHP Script debbuging/profiling and PHP Web Page debugging /profiling. |
Managing PHP Libraries |
Describes how to create and maintain an external code library. Enabling PHP Libraries in your project allows libraries to be referenced by the project and makes the elements within these resources available for operations such as Content Assist and Refactoring. |
Managing PHP Servers |
Describes how to easily manage PHP Servers from the PHP Servers view. Using this view, developers can add new PHP servers, edit or remove existing servers and enable server-specific features. |
Opening PHP Elements |
Describes how to use the Open PHP Element function to navigate to a PHP element (Class, Function or Constant) in an open project. |
Opening Types/Methods |
Describes how to open any method or type in your workspace using the "Open Type" wizard or the "Open Method" wizard. |
Profiling Files and Applications |
Describes how to profile your files and projects using the built-in profiling features. |
Running Files and Applications |
Describes how to run files using Zend Studio's internal debugger, Zend Debuuger, and applications situated on a server. |
Searching for PHP Elements |
Describes how to search for PHP elements with your defined specifications. |
Using Code Folding |
Describes how to enable and use code folding to collapse or fold the display of a block of code. |
Using Content Assist |
Describes how to use Content Assist in order to quickly and easily insert code elements into your script. |
Using Drag and Drop |
Describes how to click on a selected chunk of code and drop it anywhere in the editor. This not only helps you work more efficiently, but also helps minimize the errors that are created when editing or cutting/pasting your code. |
Using Local History |
Describes how to compare files, replace files and restore deleted files using Local History. |
Using Mark Occurrences |
Describes how to see where a variable, method or type is referenced within the active PHP file. |
Using PHPUnit Testing |
Describes how to create run and report on, PHPUnit Test Cases and Suites. |
Using Refactoring |
Describes how to refactor your code in Zend Studio. |
Using Smart Goto Source |
Describes how to use the Smart Goto Source function in order to easily navigate to an element's declaration. |
Using the Split Editor |
Describes how to toggle the Split Editor in Zend Studio to view the same file side by side. |
Using Templates |
Describes how to use templates to insert a pre-defined framework of code into your scripts. |
Viewing Type Hierarchies |
Describes how to view type hierarchies in Zend Studio. |
Working with Application Monitoring |
Describes how to work with Application Monitoring to get alerts on Zend Server monitoring events. |
Working with Automatic Upload |
Describes how to enable Automatic Upload to automatically and manually save and upload changes to your projects on a local or remote server without going through the process of pushing updates to your server, for example by redeploying, or updating, the application. |
Working with Code Tracing |
Describes how to work with Zend Server code tracing to see full execution data (trace data) of PHP applications in real time. |
Working with Composer |
Describes how to work with Composer in Zend Studio. |
Working with Deployment |
Describes how to deploy and launch your applications in Zend Studio. |
Working with Git and Github |
Describes how to work with Git and GitHub integration in Zend Studio. |
Working with Libraries |
Describes how to deploy, import, use and define libraries in Zend Studio. |
Working with Multi Cursor |
Describes how to work with Multi Cursor in Zend Studio. |
Working with Plugins |
Describes how to work with the extra plugins that can be installed in Zend Studio. |
Working with Remote Server Support |
Describes how to work with remote server support to allows you to upload and download files from your remote server, as well as to develop your code in one environment, while in parallel executing it in a different environment. |
Working with Support Tool |
Describes how to work with Zend Studio's Support Tool. |
Working with Terminal |
Describes how to work with embedded native terminal for local command prompts and SSH connections. |