Tips and Tricks
We've collected some nifty tips 'n tricks that we think you may find useful and that other Zend Studio users have shared with us.
Want to share a tip of your own? Take a look a the page footer for contact details.

Description |
Shortcut |
Quickly find a view/editor using the Quick Access dialog |
CTRL+3 |
Open a split editor |
CTRL+_ or CTRL+{ |
Indent or flush a single line or a whole block of code |
Tab, Shift + Tab |
Navigate between all your open editors |
Ctrl + Tab + Up/Down arrow |
Edit an entire block of code |
Alt+Shift+A to toggle block selection, select a block with your mouse or Shift+Arrows |
Navigate between methods, members and classes in the same file |
Ctrl+O |
Move between open files |
Ctrl+Page Up/Down |
Move between open files with filtering |
Ctrl+E |
Delete lines |
Ctrl+D |
Search for selected text |
Ctrl+Alt+G |
Run same search again |
F5 |
Move line/s up and down |
Alt + Up/Down arrows |

Description |
Action |
Add deployment support to a project |
Right-click your project in the PHP Explorer, and select Deployment | Add Deployment Support |
Deploy an application on a PHP server |
Drag your project from the PHP Explorer onto a PHP Server in the PHP Servers view |

Description |
Action |
Add Zend Framework support to an existing project |
Right-click your project in the PHP Explorer, and select Configure | Enable Zend Framework Support. |

Description |
Action |
Install an extra plugin |
In the menu-bar, go to Help | Welcome, and then select the plugin from the list on the right, and click Apply Changes |

Description |
Action |
Add patterns to be excluded from version control |
In the menu-bar, go to Window | Preferences | Team | Ignored Resources. |