Select one of the following links to view basic information on Zend Studio features. For information on related procedures, see the Tasks section.
Feature/Concept |
Abstract |
Apigility |
Apigility is an API Builder, designed to simplify creating and maintaining useful, easy to consume, and well structured APIs. |
Application Deployment |
Using Zend Studio, you can create, launch, debug and deploy your application, all in the same workspace. |
Application Monitoring |
Application Monitoring utilizes data collected by your server during application development and provides live notifications in Zend Studio for each Zend Server Event. |
Automatic Completion |
Zend Studio can be set to automatically complete certain types of patterns. |
Breakpoints |
Breakpoints allow you to set places in the code at which the debugging process will pause. |
Code Commenting |
Commenting your code involves adding characters (normally slashes and stars) which mark certain areas of code as 'comments'. |
Code Folding |
Code Folding collapses or "folds" the display of a block of code. The editor will then display only the first line of code instead of the entire block. |
Code Tracing |
Zend Server Code Tracing captures full execution data (trace data) of PHP applications in real time. |
Composer |
Composer is a tool for PHP dependencies management. It allows you to declare the dependent libraries your project needs and it will install them in your project for you. Composer is not a package manager. |
Content Assist |
The Content Assist feature enables the selection and insertion of existing code elements to complete partially entered code. |
Customizing |
Zend Studio enables you to customize your working environment according to the specific requirements that your project entails. |
Database Connectivity |
Zend Studio's Data Tools Platform plugin allows you to connect to, view, edit and run queries on databases. The Data Tools Platform provides connectivity with a number of databases. |
Debugging |
The Zend Studio debugging function allows you to test your files and applications and detect errors in your code. |
Development Mode |
This feature enables you to make sure Automatic Upload and Application Monitoring are automatically enabled for a deployed application. |
Drag and Drop |
The Drag and Drop functionality allows you to click on a selected chunk of code and drop it anywhere in the editor. |
Git and GitHub |
Both Git and GitHub are built-in to Zend Studio, so there is no need for further configurations before you begin importing your projects. |
Hover Support |
Hovering over an element will cause a tooltip to appear with information about that element, containing information (description, package, parameters, etc.) contained in the element's relevant PHPdoc comment. |
JavaScript Libraries |
Enabling JavaScript Libraries in your project allows libraries to be referenced by the project and makes the elements within these resources available for operations such as Content Assist and Refactoring. |
JavaScript Support |
Zend Studio provides support for JavaScript features in standalone JavaScript files as well as in PHP files and projects. |
Libraries |
Zend Studio allows you to easily manage and install external PHP libraries used for running applications in your development environment. |
Local History |
A Local History of a file is maintained when you create or modify and save a file. Each time you edit and save a new version of a file, a copy of it is saved in local history. |
Mark Occurrences |
The Mark Occurrences feature enables you to see where an element is referenced by simply clicking on the element in the editor. |
Matching Brackets |
Zend Studio can help you to easily navigate through your script by finding brackets' matching pairs. |
Multi Cursor |
The Multi Cursor plugin for Eclipse allows you to use multi cursor editing in Zend Studio, enabling you to easily select and edit all or next occurrences of the same element in your code. |
New Project Wizards |
Zend Studio's new project wizards make creating new projects an easy and simple task, enabling you to develop faster. |
Override Indicators |
‘Override Indicators’ are markers that display special decoration icons to indicate methods that override or implement other methods from a super-type's class/interface. |
Path Mapping |
Zend Studio enables you to map server paths to local paths while Debugging and Profiling on a server. |
Phar Integration |
Phar Integration will enable you to integrate with phar archives. |
PHP Build Path |
The PHP build process scans all resources that are on the project's PHP Build Path so that elements defined within them can be made available for Content Assist options and Refactoring operations. |
PHPDocs |
PHPDocs provides structured, easy-to-read documentation of all your php elements. |
PHP Include Path |
The PHP Include Path is a set of locations that is used for finding resources referenced by include/require statements. |
PHP Manual Integration |
Zend Studio can integrate with PHP Manual sites in order to get the most up-to-date PHP information. |
PHPUnit Testing |
Running unit tests can ensure that your code is stable and functioning correctly, and can help you to diagnose errors. |
PHP Working Sets |
PHP Working Sets are groups of PHP resources which allow you to view or apply actions to a group of pre-defined elements. |
Plugins |
Plugins add specific abilities to Zend Studio. Zend Studio enables you to add and remove additional plugins according to your preferences, ensuring a much lighter and faster operation of Zend Studio. |
Profiling |
The Zend Profiler displays a breakdown of the executed PHP code in order to detect bottlenecks in scripts by locating problematic sections of code. |
Real Time Error Detection |
Zend Studio automatically highlights errors and problems in your PHP script. |
Refactoring |
The Refactoring feature in Zend Studio allows you to rename and move files and elements within those files, while maintaining the links between the items. |
Remote Server Support |
Remote Server Support allows you to transparently access your remote server and remote resources. |
Running |
Zend Studio allows you to run the applications you are working on from the workbench. This allows you to run and test your applications during development. |
Split Editor |
The Split Editor in Zend Studio allows viewing the same class or file side by side. |
Support Tool |
Zend Studio's Support Tool optimizes your interaction with the Zend Support team by helping you create and send a more accurate picture of your Zend Studio working environment. |
Syntax Coloring |
Zend Studio can automatically apply different colors and font attributes to different PHP syntax elements in order for your scripts to be more easily navigable and to help you find relevant sections quickly and easily. |
Tunneling |
Tunneling provides a means of persistent connection between Zend Studio and a remote server situated behind a Firewall, NAT or in a private network. |
Type Hierarchy |
The Type Hierarchy views display the hierarchy for a given type (a class name, interface name or class methods, constants and fields). |
Update Manager |
Zend Studio's Update Manager allows for the easy installation of extra plug-ins, the updating of existing features and the easy updating of Zend Studio with the latest offerings from Zend. |
Zend Framework Development |
Zend Framework is Zend's open source, object-oriented web application framework implemented in PHP 5. |
Zend Guard Integration |
Zend Studio's integration with Zend Guard allows you to apply Zend Guard's encoding functionality to projects and applications created and stored in Zend Studio by allowing you to open them in Zend Guard. |
Zend Server |
Integrating Zend Studio with Zend Server allows you to benefit both from Zend Studio's debugging and profiling functionality and from Zend Server's Monitoring capabilities. |
Zend Studio for IBM i Extras |
Zend Studio for IBM i contains additional extras to help you connect to and use IBM i functionality. |