You are here: User Guide > Tasks > Working with Plugins > Working with JavaScript Debugging

Working with JavaScript Debugging

Zend Studio's JavaScript Debugging plugin includes Ajax Tools.

Ajax Tools is a set of features based on the Web browser incorporated into Zend Studio. This provides the advantage of having a fully functioning web browser in your environment as well as the ability to edit, debug, and monitor your projects live, thus improving and simplifying the process for you.

The additional functionality provided by Ajax Tools can be applied to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML.  


How do I install plugins in Zend Studio?


To use Ajax Tools functionalities go to the Web Browser Tools Perspective which can be manually accessed by going to Window | Open Perspective | Other | Web Browser Tools Perspective.

Ajax Tools Views

Ajax Tools provides the following Views:


Ajax Tools Procedures

The following topics describe how to work with Ajax Tools:




Related Links:

Working with Plugins

Customizing Zend Studio Using the Welcome Page

Developing with JavaScript

Web Browser Tools Perspective



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