You are here: User Guide > Tasks > Working with Plugins > Working with the Ajax JavaScript View

Working with the Ajax JavaScript View

The JavaScript view allows you to evaluate JavaScript expressions. This is useful to test, check, and debug your JavaScript code.

Evaluating JavaScript Expressions

This procedure describes how to evaluate JavaScript expressions.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To evaluate a JavaScript expression:

  1. Go to Window | Open Perspective | Web Browser Tools.

  2. Click Open a URL in the Mozilla Browser from the main toolbar.
    The “Open URL…” dialog opens.

  3. Enter a URL in the “Enter URL…” text field and press Enter.
    The URL opens in the Internal Web Browser.  

  4. Go to the JavaScript view.

  1. Enter your JavaScript expression in the “Expression:” text field and press Enter.
    Your JavaScript expression evaluation output appears.

JavaScript Expression Evaluation

  1. Expand a line to see the complete output of the evaluation.

The output does not clear automatically, even if you launch a new evaluation. To clear previous output click the Clear JavaScript Evaluation Output.

You can also evaluate JavaScript expressions in the DOM Inspector view. For more information see Evaluating a Node.

JavaScript View Icons

The JavaScript View includes the following icons:


Clear variables and their references.




Related Links:
Ajax Tools

Working with the Ajax DOM Inspector View

Working with the Ajax Browser Console View

Working with the Ajax Request Monitor View

Working with the Ajax DOM Source View

Working with The Ajax CSS View

Working with the Ajax DOM Watcher View

Working with the Ajax DOM Compare View

Working with the Internal Web Browser

Debugging JavaScript

Working with jQuery JavaScript Library

Working with Prototype JavaScript Library

Web Browser Tools Perspective



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