
The AngularJS plugin in Zend Studio provides users with AngularJS support, and includes the following features:

  • HTML editor - an editor supporting syntax coloring, hover, hyperlink, code completion, and validation for AngularJS modules, controllers, expressions and directives.
  • Angular Explorer view - a dedicated view which displays a tree-view of any module and controllers in your project.
  • JavaScript editor - an editor supporting AngularJS features.

How do I install the AngularJS plugin?

For more information on the AngularJS plugin, see



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To use AngularJS:

  1. In the PHP Explorer, right-click your project, and select Configure | Convert to AngularJS Project.
  2. Open your HTML file to begin using the AngularJS features.


The tern server is automatically configured by Zend Studio when the AngularJS plugin is installed.