Installing a License File

The following procedure describes how to install a license file that was generated by Zend Guard on a user's machine. This procedure should be done as part of the installation/transition from evaluation process of your application.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To install a license file:

  1. Open the php.ini file in a text editor.

  2. Locate the line with the directive zend_optimizer.license_path. If a line for this directive does not exist, add a line to the php.ini and type zend_optimizer.license_path=

  3. If the path where the license file resides is not found on the zend_optimizer.license_path directive-line (after the = sign), add it to the end of the line. Remember to separate the paths with a colon (for UNIX) or a semicolon (for Windows).

  4. If your PHP is installed as SAPI/ISAPI, restart the Web-server for the changes to take effect.


Placement of the license file is critical to the validation process. If the license is not in the correct location, Zend Guard will assume that the product is not-licensed. License validity and locations are checked and loaded when PHP starts up.