PHP Version Support

Zend Studio supports PHP versions 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 7 Beta (Experimental).


PHP version settings affect:

Configuring PHP Version Settings

PHP version settings can be configured from the following places:

  • PHP Executables can be added and edited from the PHP Executables Preferences page.

  • Compatible Interpreters for selected PHP versions can be managed in the Execution Environments Preferences page.

  • The default PHP executable used for new projects can be set in the PHP Interpreter Preferences page. Through this page you can also set the PHP version for specific projects.
    In addition, you can select which PHP Version should be used when creating a new project in the New PHP Project's Settings dialog.

  • The default PHP executable used with the debugger can be set in the Debugging Preferences page, accessed from Window | Preferences | PHP | Debug. Through this page you can also set the PHP executable used to debug specific projects.

  • In addition, you can also configure the PHP executable used for each Debug and Profile   session in the Debug / Profile configuration screens.

New Debug Configuration


In order to minimize errors, the PHP Executable used for debugging /profiling should match the PHP version used for the project. This can be defined in the Execution Environments Preferences page.