This section contains detailed reference information on Zend Studio menus, views, preferences and project properties.
Zend Studio incorporates a large number of perspectives, views and menus that together construct the workspace. Zend Studio's Online Help does not include reference information for all of these options,and focuses on PHP perspectives and views, and PHP preferences and project properties. For information on other options, please refer to the Eclipse documentation.
Reference Item |
Abstract |
Keymap |
Details a list of commonly used keyboard shortcuts which can be printed for quick access. |
PHP Icons |
Details a list of icons representing different PHP elements which are displayed in the PHP Explorer view and in Content Assist lists |
PHP Perspectives and Views |
Details the various PHP perspectives and views: PHP Perspective, PHP Debug Perspective, PHP Profile Perspective. |
PHP Perspective Main Toolbar |
Details the PHP Perspective main toolbar. |
PHP Perspective Menus |
Details the PHP Perspective menubars and toolbars. |
PHP Preferences |
Details the different PHP preferences which can be configured. |
PHP Project Properties |
Details the various project properties which can be configured. |
Useful Links |
A list of additional information sources for working with Zend Studio. |