Debug Preferences
The Debug Preferences page is accessed from Window | Preferences | PHP | Debug Preferences .
The settings that can be configured from the debug preferences page are:
Server Settings
- PHP Server - Choose which server the debugger will use by default. Click the "PHP Servers" category to be taken to the PHP Servers management page. For more on this, see PHP Servers.
- Debugger - The default debugger is the Zend Debugger. Go to the Debuggers preferences page to configure Zend Debugger settings.
CLI Settings
- PHP Executable - Choose the required default PHP version. Click the "PHP Executables" category to be taken to the PHP Executables management page. For more on this, see PHP Executables.
- Debugger - The default debugger is the Zend Debugger. Go to the Debuggers preferences page to configure Zend Debugger settings.
- Enable CLI Debug -
Encoding Settings
Debug Transfer Encoding - Select the required debug transfer encoding from the drop-down list.
Debug Output Encoding - Select the required debug output encoding from the drop-down list.
Break at First Line - Mark this checkbox to force the debugging process to stop at the first line of code by default.
Further PHP encoding options can be accessed from the preferences menu under General | Content Types | Text | PHP Content Type.
Workspace Options
Debug Port - Set the port which the debugger will use.
Use PHP Debug Perspective - Mark this checkbox to open the PHP Debug Perspective when debugging is run.
Run with Debug Info - Mark this checkbox to display debug info when the Run function is used.
Open in Browser - Mark this checkbox to open a browser when launching a Web Page debug session.
Open PHP Debug Views - Mark this checkbox to open the relevant PHP Debug views when the debugging process is run.
Advanced Zend Debugger Options
Broadcast Port: Enter your broadcast port here. Default port is 20080.
Dummy File - This is the file which the PHP Script debugger uses in order to start a PHP script debugging session on a specified server. The name should be left as the default dummy.php. However, if this is changed, ensure the change has also been made on the server side.
Encrypt Communication using SSL - Mark this checkbox to Encrypt Communication using SSL. Your server must support this option in order for it to be applicable.
To apply Debug Preferences settings to a specific project only: