User Guide > Tasks > Working with Deployment > Deploying an Application

Deploying an Application

This procedure describes how to deploy your application. Deploying takes the application from the local development environment and enables external view and usage on Web browsers.

For more information on what deployment means, see Deployment.


To deploy an application in Zend Studio, a project needs enabled deployment. For more information on how to enable deployment for a project, see Enabling Deployment Support for Your Application.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To deploy an application:

  1. In the PHP Explorer, open the 'deployment.xml' file of the project you wish to deploy.
    Drag the project on the server you wish to deploy to in the PHP Servers view (skip to step 4).


    Deployment can only be performed on the following PHP servers: Local Zend Server, RedHat OpenShift Server, Remote Zend Server.

  1. In the Testing area, click Deploy application.
    Drag the project from the PHP Explorer onto the target in the PHP Servers view and select Deploy application.
    The Deploy PHP Application dialog is displayed.

  1. Select the server you wish to deploy the application to, or click Add Server to add a new target. For more information on adding targets, see Managing PHP Servers.
  2. Verify the application URL and name (entered automatically). If you have added a new server, click Refresh to view an updated application list.
  3. Configure deployment advanced options:
    • Select the Enable Development Mode check-box to enable Application Monitoring and Automatic Upload for the application.
    • Select the Warn during updating check-box, to prompt a verification dialog when updating a deployed application.
    • Select the Ignore failures check-box to ignore deployment configuration failures.
  4. Click Finish.
    Your application is deployed on the server selected.

Deployment also occurs the first time applications are launched. For more information on launching applications, see Launching an Application.


The Zend Server deployment feature is only available on Apache servers. Deploying on IIS is currently not supported.


Read Also

  Enabling Deployment Support for Your Application    
  Editing the Deployment XML    
  Using the Deployment Actions