Upgrading Zend Studio


To update, you should sign on to your operating system with the same user permissions that were used during the initial installation of Zend Studio.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To update an existing Zend Studio installation:

  1. Launch Zend Studio.

  2. In the menu-bar, go to Help | Check for Updates.
    The Contacting Software Sites screen opens with a progress bar as it searches for available updates. Once found, the Available Updates dialog is displayed.

  1. Select which updates you would like to install and click Next.
    The Update Details dialog is displayed.

  1. Review and confirm the updates that are waiting to be installed and click Next.
    The Review Licenses dialog is displayed.

  1. Review the licenses, and select the ‘I accept the terms of the License Agreement’ check-box.

  2. Click Finish.
    Zend Studio installs the selected updates.
  1. When prompted, restart Zend Studio.
     Zend Studio restarts with the updates installed.