Creating a New Cloud Connected Mobile Project

This procedure explains how to create a new Cloud Connected Mobile (CCM) project. The procedure results in the creation of two associated projects: A client-side/mobile project, and a server-side project. See Cloud Connected Mobile for more information on CCM.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To create a new CCM project in Zend Studio:

  1. In Zend Studio, go to File | New | Project.
    In the PHP Explorer View, right-click and select New | Project.
    The New Project - Select a wizard dialog is displayed.
  2. From the Wizards list, select PHP | Cloud Connected Mobile Project.
    The New Cloud Connected Mobile Project wizard is displayed.

  1. Enter the following information:

  • Mobile project-
    • Name - Name of the mobile project.
  • Gateway REST API project -
    • Name - Name of the REST API (server) project.
    • Location - The file location of the REST API (server) project.
    • Target - Select an existing deployment target for the REST API project, or select a target icon to create a new target. For information on adding new targets, see Managing Targets.
  1. Click Next.
    The Templates dialog is displayed.

  1. From the Available templates list, select a template for the mobile and server project:
  • Empty Projects - Creates empty mobile and server projects.
  • Native APIs Example - A mobile-side template that demonstrates how to consume PhoneGap native API.
  • Simple RESTful Service - A mobile and server-side template, that demonstrates how to consume example GATEful Web services exposed by the server-side application.
  1. Click Finish.
    Your new mobile and server-side projects are created, and are displayed in the PHP Explorer.
    By default, the Mobile GUI Editor is displayed in your editor. For information on designing your mobile application using the Editor, see Using the Mobile GUI Editor.



Related Links

Related Links:

Cloud Connected Mobile

Testing a New Cloud Connected Mobile Project

Creating Native Applications

Running Native Applications



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