Testing New Cloud Connected Mobile Projects

Zend Studio CCM tool allows you to develop native mobile applications, but also provides you with support for Web Mobile application development for earlier development stages.

This procedure explains how to test a Cloud Connected Mobile (CCM) client-side project by running your Web Mobile application using the Web mobile emulator. The Web Mobile emulator is a Browser-based simulator that allows you to preview your mobile application during and after development.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To run a Web Mobile project:

  1. Create a new CCM project. See Creating a New Cloud Connected Mobile Project for instructions.
  2. In the PHP Explorer, right-click your mobile project or the index.html file, and select Run As | Web Mobile Application.
    The application is displayed in the Web mobile emulator.

To configure launch settings, right-click the project in the PHP Explorer, and select Run As | Run Configurations.
You can configure the project which is to be launched, starting page (default- www/index.html), and the screen resolution.



Related Links

Related Links:

Creating a New Cloud Connected Mobile Project

Creating Native Applications

Running Native Applications

Cloud Connected Mobile



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