New Submenu
The New submenu is available under File | New from the Menu Bar.
The options available in the New Menu for the current perspective can be configured through the Customize Perspectives option in the Window Menu.
The options available under the New submenu are:
Name |
Description |
PHP Project from Git |
Creates a new PHP project in your workspace by importing an existing Git project. |
PHP Project from GitHub |
Creates a new PHP project in your workspace by importing an existing GitHub project. |
PHP Project from SVN |
Creates a new PHP project in your workspace by importing an existing SVN project. |
Local PHP Project |
Creates a new local PHP project in your workspace. |
PHP Project from Existing Directory |
Creates a new PHP project in your workspace from an existing directory. |
PHP Project from Remote Server |
Creates a new PHP project in your workspace from a remote server. |
Project... |
Displays the Create New Project - Select a Wizard dialog to creates a new project in your workspace. |
PHPUnit Test Case |
a new PHPUnit Test Case. |
PHPUnit Test Suite |
a new PHPUnit Test Suite.. |
Class |
Inserts a new PHP Class within existing or new files, including the required modifiers, Superclasses, interfaces, method stubs, comments etc. |
a new PHP Interface within existing or new files. |
Trait |
Creates a new PHP trait. The Create a New Trait wizard allows you to select a source folder, create a new file, and configure the new trait. |
Remote Folder |
Creates a new Remote Folder with a remote system connection, See Viewing and Editing FTP Files in your Workspace for more information. |
Java Script File |
Creates a new JavaScript file. |
PHP File |
Creates a new file with PHP tags. Allows full PHP functionality. |
Untitled PHP File |
Creates a new untitled file with PHP tags. Allows full PHP functionality. |
Creates a new folder within a project. The new folder can be linked to a folder in the files system by clicking on the Advanced button in the new folder creation dialog. Using this option will insert an existing folder into your workspace folder. Any changes made to the files and folders in your workspace will automatically be reflected in the local versions of the files in your file system. |
File |
Creates a new file resource. |
CSS File |
Inserts a cascading style sheet into a project. |
HTML File |
Creates a new HTML file within a project, which allows the utilization of HTML functionality. |
XML File |
Creates a new XML file within a project, which allows the utilization of XML functionality. |
Untitled Text File |
Creates a new untitled text file. |
Zend Framework Item |
Creates a new Project with Zend Framework's libraries in the Include Path and files to create a basic "Hello, World!" application. For more on Zend Framework, visit the Zend Framework site at For more on using Zend Framework with Zend Studio , see " Zend Framework Integration ". |
Task |
Creates new repositories using the Task Repository view. |
Zend Framework Item |
Opens a New Zend Framework Item wizard which allows you to launch the Wizards for creating a Zend Controller , Zend Model , Zend Module , Zend View and Zend View Helper . |
Example |
Creates the following example projects in your workspace:
Allows access to all other types of items not in the main list. To configure which items will be available from the main list, in the menu bar, go to Window | Customize Perspective. The options in the list are divided into categories: