User Guide > Tasks > Working with Plugins > Working with VMWare Workstation Support > Working with VMware Virtual Machines > Debugging a PHP Application on a Virtual Machine

Debugging a PHP Application on a Virtual Machine

This procedure describes how to debug a PHP application on your virtual machine. Debugging on a virtual machine allows you to debug your PHP application on different operating system than the operating system it was developed on, all from your Zend Studio interface.

Before debugging your PHP application on a virtual machine you must first create a VMware Workstation virtual machine by Importing the Image File into VMware Workstation or Creating a Custom Virtual Machine.

To find out how to define a virtual machine connection without debugging your PHP application see Managing Virtual Machine Connections.


If you have already defined a VMware run/debug configuration or defined a virtual machine in a previous VMware debug or run session, clicking Debug As | Debug as PHP Application on VM will automatically open the previously defined VMware Workstation virtual machine and begin the debug session. For information on how to select a different virtual machine see Working with Multiple Virtual Machines.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To debug a PHP application on a virtual machine:

  1. Set breakpoints in the desired lines of your project. For more information see Setting Breakpoints.

  1. From the Right Click Menu of your project select Debug As | Debug as PHP Application on VM.
    The VMware Virtual Machine Connection wizard opens.


If you have already defined a virtual machine connection, choosing to Debug as a PHP Application on VM will open the Enter Password dialog (step 5).

  1. The dialog contains the following components:

  1. Click Finish to open the Enter Password dialog.

  1. Enter the user ID and password of virtual machine that you are using. The dialog also allows you to see which host name and system type the dialog is referring to.


A virtual machine created with the image file has a pre-defined user ID and password:
                - User ID - studio
                - Password - logitech

  1. Click Apply and then Debug.
    VMware Workstation opens and powers on your virtual machine.

  2. Click Yes if asked whether to open the PHP Debug Perspective.
    The Debug session begins.

See the "Running and Analyzing Debugger results" topic for more information on the outcome of a debugging session.

You can now  run the PHP application on the virtual machine to ensure that all bugs have been fixed.

All virtual machines which are defined in your Zend Studio can be viewed in the Remote Systems view, which can be accessed by going to Window | Show View | Other | Remote Systems | Remote Systems.


Read Also

  VMware Workstation Integration    
  Working with VMWare Workstation Support    
  Integrating with VMware Workstation    
  Working with VMware Virtual Machines