User Guide > Reference > PHP Perspectives and Views > PHP Perspective > Remote Systems View

Remote Systems View

The Remote Systems view helps you create, view and manage your connections to remote systems such as FTP and SSH.

Toolbar Commands




Define a connection to remote system

Opens the 'New Connection' dialog.

Refresh information of selected resource

Refreshes the connection information of selected resources.


Scrolls backwards and forwards through your projects.


Navigates up one level

Collapse All

Collapses the list of elements

Link with Editor

If selected, files will immediately be displayed in the editor when selected. If unselected, files will be displayed in the editor when they are double-clicked.


Menu Commands

The Remote Systems view menu can be accessed through the view menu icon .



New Connection...

Opens the 'New Connection' dialog.

Import Connection...

Browse and select the connection definition you would like to import.

Work with Profiles

Opens the Team profile view. See  Remote System Explorer Profiles in the RSE User Guide for more information.


Additional user guides can be accessed from inside Zend Studio by going to Help | Help Contents, or from the Eclipse Online Documentation site (

Refresh All

Refreshes all connections.

Quality Connection Names

Displays the connection names.

Show Filter Pools

Displays filter pools. See Filters, filter pools, and filter pool references in the RSE User Guide for more information.


Additional user guides can be accessed from inside Zend Studio by going to Help | Help Contents, or from the Eclipse Online Documentation site (

Restore Previous State

Select this option to use locally cached information instead of connecting immediately if you are automatically opening the previously expanded connections when starting RSE.


Opens the Remote Systems Preferences page.


The Remote Systems View is displayed by default as part of the PHP Perspective. To manually open the view, go to Window | Show View | Other | Remote Systems | Remote Systems.

See the RSE User Guide for more on FTP/SSH connectivity.


Additional user guides can be accessed from inside Zend Studio by going to Help | Help Contents, or from the Eclipse Online Documentation site (


Read Also

  PHP Perspective