User Guide > Tasks > Working with Plugins > Working with VMWare Workstation Support > Working with VMware Virtual Machines > Managing Virtual Machine Connections

Managing Virtual Machine Connections

This procedure describes how to manage your virtual machine connections, allowing you to control which virtual machine connections are defined and accessible in your Zend Studio. If you would like to define your virtual machine connection during the run or debug process see Running a PHP Application on a Virtual Machine or Debugging a PHP Application on a Virtual Machine.

Defining a Virtual Machine Connection

This procedure describes how to define a virtual machine connection in Zend Studio without running or debugging your PHP application. Defining a virtual machine connection allows you to Run or Debug a PHP application on a virtual machine.
To define a virtual machine connection you must have already created a VMware Workstation virtual machine by Importing the Image File into VMWare Workstation or Creating a Custom Virtual Machine Image.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To define a virtual machine connection:

  1. From the main toolbar click .
    The VMware Virtual Machine Connection wizard opens.

  1. The dialog contains the following components:

  1. Click Finish.        

The virtual machine connection is defined in Zend Studio. To see the virtual machines you have defined go to the Remote Systems view.

Once you have defined you virtual machine you can define more specific settings by defining a VMware run/debug configuration, or you can run a PHP application on a virtual machine, or debug a PHP application on a virtual machine.

Deleting a Virtual Machine Connection

This procedure describes how to delete a virtual machine connection. Deleting a virtual machine connection only deletes it from your Zend Studio, not from VMware Workstation. PHP applications cannot run or debug on virtual machines that do not have an active connection with Zend Studio. Before deleting a virtual machine connection, you must first Define a Virtual Machine Connection.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To delete a virtual machine connection:

  1. Go to the Remote Systems view, which can be manually accessed by going to Window | Show View | Other | Remote Systems | Remote Systems.
    The Remote Systems view opens.

  1. From the Right Click Menu of your virtual machine select Delete.

Your virtual machine connection has been deleted from Zend Studio.

You can now define a new or previously deleted virtual machine. See Defining a Virtual Machine Connection for more information.


All virtual machines which are defined in your Zend Studio can be viewed in the Remote Systems view, which can be accessed by going to Window | Show View | Other | Remote Systems | Remote Systems.



Read Also

  VMware Workstation Integration    
  Working with VMWare Workstation Support    
  Integrating with VMware Workstation    
  Working with VMware Virtual Machines