Updating an Application

Updating an application allows you to upload a new application package for an existing application and base URL. You can also change the values of the application’s parameters during this process. Updating an application is useful, for example, when you have a version update for your application. The flow of the process is as follows:


Updating your application on Zend Server Cluster Manager will update all the nodes in the cluster.  

Important Note:

When updating your application, the server uses the same base URL as previously defined. Changing the base URL  can only be done by deploying it as a new application.

Before updating your application, you must update your application package to reflect the changes.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To update an application:

  1. In your Administration Interface go to the Applications tab.


  1. In the Actions column of the application you would like to work with click Update.
    The Deploy an Application dialog opens.


  1. Browse to and select your updated application package, and click Next.
  2. If you have specified a EULA in your application package, it will appear. Mark the ‘I have read and agree to the license agreement’ checkbox and click Next.
    The Prerequisites Validation dialog opens


  1. The Prerequisites Validation dialog displays the parameters you specified as needing validation in your descriptor XML file. If all the parameters have been validated click Next.


If one or more of your parameters has failed to validate, open  your Administration Interface in another browser, alter the configurations that need to be changed for the validation to succeed, and refresh the wizard.  

The User Parameters dialog opens.


  1. The parameters and values that appear in the User Parameters dialog are the parameters, and their default values, which you defined in your descriptor XML file. Change any values that are different than the default and click Next.
    The Summary dialog opens.


  1. The Summary dialog displays a summary of the parameters you have defined for your application. To change anything on this page, click Previous and change it on the page it appears. Otherwise, click Done to update your application.

Important Note:

Your webserver is being restarted. The restart has completed once your server's status is changed to the desired status. For more information see Changes to Your Apache During Deployment Actions.

  1. Refresh your browser to see the deployed application in your Applications tab.

To open your application click on your application in the Applications tab to expand the display, and click the Base URL link.


If this process fails, information is available about the failure in the zdd.log file.



Related Links

Related Links:

Rolling Back an Application
Understanding the Package Structure

Deployment Methods - The deployment methods available in the Web API Reference Guide

Deploying an Application
Synchronizing/Redeploying an Application
Removing an Application    
Changes to Your Apache During Deployment Actions