Rolling Back an Application

The rollback feature allows you to replace the current version of your application with the previous version that was deployed on the server.

Before using the rollback feature you must have deployed an application and updated it with a newer version. The flow of the process is as follows:



Zend Server rolls back to the previous version only. The feature is not available when using a version that was accessed using rollback.  For example, if I have deployed versions 1, 2, and 3 on my server and am currently using version 3, I can only rollback to version 2. Once in version 2 the rollback feature will not be available.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To rollback an application:

  1. Save the current version of your application on your machine as Zend Server will not save a copy.

  2. Open the Applications tab of your Administration Interface and select the application you would like to work with.
    The application details expand on the page.


  1. Click Rollback Application, and then OK when asked if you would like to roll back to the previously deployed version of the application.

Important Note:

Your webserver is being restarted. The restart has completed once your server's status is changed to the desired status. For more information see Changes to Your Apache During Deployment Actions.

  1. Refresh your browser to see the rolled back application in your Applications tab.


If this process fails, information is available about the failure in the zdd.log file.



Related Links

Related Links:

Updating an Application
Deploying an Application
Removing an Application