Synchronizing/Redeploying an Application

Redeploying an application is used when there is a failure during deployment, and you would like to deploy the exact same package. If fixing the error requires changing anything in the package (even if the .zpk file will be labeled exactly the same as previously), you must remove and deploy the application instead of redeploying it. The flow of the process is as follows:


Important Note:

When using Zend Server, this process is called Redeploy.

When synchronizing with Zend Server Cluster Manager, you can choose to synchronize all or some of the cluster nodes. This is particularly useful when deployment failed on one node, but not on others.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To redeploy an application:

  1. Open the Applications tab of your Administration Interface and select the application you would like to work with.
    The application details expand on the page.


  1. Mark the box next to the server, or nodes, you would like to redeploy and click Redeploy. If you have not expanded the details of the application, click Retry in the application's row.

Important Note:

Your webserver is being restarted. The restart has completed once your server's status is changed to the desired status. For more information see Changes to Your Apache During Deployment Actions.

  1. Refresh your browser to see the redeployed application in your Applications tab.

If redeploying does not solve the problem, you can remove the application and deploy a new application package.


If this process fails, information is available about the failure in the zdd.log file.



Related Links

Related Links:

Understanding the Package Structure

Deployment Methods - The deployment methods available in the Web API Reference Guide

Deploying an Application

Updating an Application
Removing an Application    
Changes to Your Apache During Deployment Actions