Removing an Application

Removing an application is the process of removing a deployed application, which includes deactivating the application, cleaning up any web server configurations related to the application, and then removing all files associated with the application from the server to ensure space is conserved.


Removing your application from Zend Server Cluster Manager will remove it from all of the cluster’s nodes.


Removing an application removes it, and any traces of it, from your server. If you would like to keep your application files, make sure they are saved somewhere else on your machine before beginning this process.

To remove an application, you must first have a deployed application on your server.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To remove an application:

  1. Go the Applications tab in your server’s Administration Interface and click Remove in the Actions column of the application you would like to remove.


  1. Click OK if prompted to ensure you would like to remove the application.
    Zend Server removes  the application.

Important Note:

Your webserver is being restarted. The restart has completed once your server's status is changed to the desired status. For more information see Changes to Your Apache During Deployment Actions.

  1. Refresh the browser to make sure the application no longer appears in your Applications tab.


If this process fails, information is available about the failure in the zdd.log file.



Related Links

Related Links:

Understanding the Package Structure

Deployment Methods - The deployment methods available in the Web API Reference Guide

Deploying an Application
Synchronizing/Redeploying an Application
Updating an Application