You are here: User Guide > Reference > PHP Preferences > Tracer Preferences

Tracer Preferences

The Tracer Preferences page displays the ports that the Code Tracing functionality will use. The ports that Zend Studio chooses by default should not be changed unless they are specifically blocked or in use by another application.


The Tracer Preferences page is accessed from Window | Preferences | PHP | PHP Servers | Tracer.

Tracer Preferences

Editing the Tracer Listener Settings

This procedure describes how to change the port the Code Tracing functionality will use. By default Zend Studio will find the first available port.

Important Note:

The ports in the Tracer preferences should only be changed if the default port is blocked or in use by another application.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To edit the tracer listening port:

  1. Go to Window | Preferences | PHP | PHP Servers | Tracer.
    The Tracer preferences page opens with the "Use a random port" option selected by default. The random port that has been selected is expressed in the "Use a user specified port" text field.

  2. Select the "Use a user specified port" option and enter the port number in the text field.

  3. Click OK to save the changes.
    The Tracer listening port has been changed.

If you would like Zend Studio to revert back to a default port select the "Use a random port" option. To revert back to the original port that was used click Restore Defaults.



Related Links:
Code Tracing

Working with Code Tracing

Importing a Zend Server Event File

Opening the Source of Trace Data

Zend Server Integration

Zend Server

Code Tracing Perspective

Tracer View



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