You are here: User Guide > Tasks > Debugging Files and Applications > Setting Up Tunneling

Setting Up Tunneling

To establish a tunneling connection for remote debugging and Zend Server integration, the following tasks need to be performed:


If you have followed the instructions under Setting Up Remote Debugging, you will have already performed some of these tasks.

  1. Ensure you have a dummy.php file in your remote server's document root.

  2. Ensure your Zend Studio is an allowed host for your server debugger. This can be done through Zend Server or through your php.ini file.

  1. Configuring you Tunneling Connection in Zend Studio - From the PHP Servers Preferences page (Window | Preferences | PHP | PHP Servers).

  2. Activate the tunnel - By selecting your Tunneling server from the list next to the Tunneling icon on the toolbar.



Related Links:

Setting your Zend Studio to be an Allowed Host

Configuring Platform to Auto detect Studio Settings

Setting Up a Tunneling Server

Activating Tunneling



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