You are here: User Guide > Tasks > Debugging Files and Applications > Activating Tunneling

Activating Tunneling

Once you have configured all the necessary settings in Zend Studio and on your server, you can activate your Tunnel connection.


This procedure describes how to open a tunnel between Zend Studio and your remote server.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To activate Tunneling in Zend Studio:

  1. Click the arrow next to the Tunneling icon on the toolbar and select the server which you configured for tunneling.

Tunneling server list

  1. The tunneling icon will turn green  to show that a tunneling server is connected:

You can now debug/profile on the selected remote server.


Several Tunneling sessions can be configured in Zend Studio. Therefore, if the debug session is not working, check to see that the Tunnel to the correct server is connected by clicking on the drop-down arrow next to the Tunneling Icon and verifying that the name of the connected server is correct.



Related Links:

Setting Up Tunneling

Setting your Zend Studio to be an Allowed Host

Configuring Platform to Auto detect Studio Settings

Setting Up a Tunneling Server



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