You are here: User Guide > Tasks > Working with Deployment > Launching an Application

Launching an Application

This procedure describes how to run your application in Zend Studio. Launching will display your application in a Web browser. If it is the first time you are launching, deployment will also be performed.


Prerequisites: A project with enabled deployment. For more information on enabling deployment, see Enabling Deployment Support for Your Application.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To launch your application:

  1. Select the project you wish to launch.

  2. Open the deployment.xml file and select the Overview tab.

  1. In the Testing area, click Launch a PHP Application.
    The Deploy PHP Application dialog is displayed.
    For more information on Deployment, see Deploying an Application.

  1. Click Finish.
    Your application will deploy and launch in a browser.


If this is not the first time you are launching, no deployment dialog is displayed and the application will launch in a browser.

You may also launch in Debug Mode. See Launching an Application in Debug Mode for more information.




Related Links

Related Links:

Deploying an Application

Launching an Application in Debug Mode



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