Uninstalling the Amazon AWS Toolkit Plugin

This procedure describes how to uninstall the Amazon AWS Toolkit plugin from your Zend Studio. Uninstalling the plugin will disable all the functionalities of Amazon AWS Toolkit for Zend Studio, and any projects associated with an Amazon EC2 Remote Connection Profile will now have Remote Server Support disabled.

Before uninstalling the Amazon AWS Toolkit plugin you must have already installed the Amazon AWS Toolkit plugin



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To uninstall the Amazon AWS Toolkit plugin:

  1. When Zend Studio opens, the Welcome Page appears. You can also open the Welcome Page by going to Help | Welcome if your product is already open.

  2. In the Welcome Page's Plugin List unmark the 'Amazon Web Services support' checkbox and click Apply changes.

Your Zend Studio restarts without the Amazon AWS Toolkit plugin installed.

Without the Amazon AWS Toolkit plugin installed, the features of Amazon AWS Toolkit for Zend Studio will not be available. To begin using the Amazon AWS Toolkit for Zend Studio, you must install the Amazon AWS Toolkit plugin.




Related Links

Related Links:
Installing the Amazon AWS Toolkit Plugin

Amazon AWS Toolkit for Zend Studio

Customizing Zend Studio Using the Welcome Page