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What is Zend Studio?

Zend Studio is the leading integrated development environment for PHP developers, and includes:

  • Advanced code editor, with intuitive code assist, smart code completion, refactoring, real-time error validation and analyis, and more.

  • Mobile development features that enable the easy creation of mobile applications on top of existing PHP applications and server back-end.

  • Cloud deployment on leading Cloud platforms such as Amzon AWS, IBM Bluemix, Red Hat OpenShift, and Microsoft Azure.

  • API-Centric development, with integration with Apigility to create, document and test RPC or RESTful services.

  • Framework support, with built-in tools that allow developers to build framework based applications with proper structure, files and directories.

  • Enhanced source control integration to help developers work smoothly with SVN, CVS, Git, and GitHub.
