Viewing Type Hierarchies
Type hierarchies can be viewed in either a Quick Type Hierarchy view or in the Type Hierarchy view.
Viewing Types in the Quick Type Hierarchy View
To view a type in a Quick Type Hierarchy view:
The Quick Type Hierarchy view will be displayed in the editor with the selected type.
Pressing Ctrl+T while the quick type hierarchy view is shown will toggle between supertype hierarchy and subtype hierarchy.
Viewing Types in the Type Hierarchy View
Types can be viewed in the Type Hierarchy view by searching for them using the "Open Type in Hierarchy" dialog or by directly selecting the element in the editor or PHP Explorer.
To view a type in the Type Hierarchy view: Through the "Open Type in Hierarchy" wizard:
Directly from the editor or PHP Explorer:
Note: The action will not be activated if the selection is not a resolvable element (i.e. if the selection is not a class name, interface name or class method, constant or field). |
The type will be displayed in the Type Hierarchy view.