Migrating Projects from Zend Studio 5.X

This procedure describes how to quickly and easily import projects from Zend Studio 5.x into Zend Studio8.x. Any links to CVS and SVN repositories will also automatically be created and maintained.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To import a project from Zend Studio5.x:

  1. Right-click in PHP Explorer view and select Import | Zend Imports | Import from Zend Studio 5.x -or- go to File | Import | Zend Imports | Import from Zend Studio 5.x.
    The "Import from Zend Studio" Wizard will open.

  1. Click Browse to find your Zend Studio project stored on your file system. The project will automatically have been stored with a .zpj file extension.

  2. Click Open.

  3. The Project name will by default be given the same name as your .zpj file.
    Edit this name if required.
    If the project root contains folders linked to source control, the name given will be the project name specified in this screen with the name of the project root in parentheses following it. E.g. if the project name given was MyProject, and the imported project root was MyProjectRoot, the Project will be displayed as MyProject (MyProjectRoot).

  4. If you want the project to be imported into somewhere other than your current workspace, unmark the 'Use default' checkbox under the Project contents category and browse to a different location.

  5. Click Next.
    The "Import Summary" dialog will open.

  1. If the project roots (folders and files) contained within your folder were not mapped to a Version Control System (CVS or SVN), they will all be contained within a single project in Zend Studio 8. This includes folders and files linked to FTP.
    If the project roots (folders and files) contained within your folder are mapped to a Version Control System, each project root will be imported into a separate project.

  2. If you would like all projects root to be combined into one Zend Studio 8 project, select the 'Import into a single project' option. Note that in this case the Version Control System mappings will not be created.

  3. Click Finish.

Your project(s) will be imported into Zend Studio 8 and will be available in PHP Explorer view.

The selected Version Control links will be maintained.

Any required FTP connections will be created in the Remote Systems View. See the FTP and SFTP Support topic for more on FTP/SFTP connectivity.


The project root itself needs to be mapped to a Version Control System so that its subfolders can be mapped.



Related Links:

Migrating From Zend Studio

Migrating Keymaps from Zend Studio