Debugging Events

This topic explains how to debug Zend Server monitoring events.

These actions can be applied to each event group to investigate what caused the event. By default, the settings are set to run diagnostic actions on the originating server (the server on which the event was created). You can change the settings to run on a different server.

These action items are only available if the IDE is installed on your machine, and Zend Server is configured to communicate with it. For more information, see Setting Up Debugging.
PhpStorm: Before initiating a debugging/profiling session from Z-Ray, make sure PhpStorm is listening to debug connections. For more information, see PhpStorm documentation.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To debug events:

  1. In the UI, go to the Monitoring | Events page.
  2. Hover over the relevant event, and click the menu button in the Actions column on the right.
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Debug in IDE - Initiates a debug session for the event URL in your IDE.
    • Profile in IDE - Profiles the event URL, using your IDE Profiler with the same parameters (GET, POST, COOKIE, HTTP headers, etc.).
    • Show in IDE - Opens the file where the event occurred in your IDE. This option makes it possible to use your IDE to edit files and implement changes for multiple servers.
    • Export to IDE - Generates a .zsf file containing the selected event's information that can be imported into your IDE.
These actions can be performed from the Events Details page. For any given event, go to the IDE Diagnostics area at the bottom of the page, and select one of the options described above.


Debugging Events Using an Alternative Server

This procedure explains how to diagnose events using a different server than the one upon which the event originated on.

These action items are only available if the IDE is installed on your machine, and Zend Server is configured to communicate with it. For more information, see Setting Up Debugging.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To debug events using an alternative server:

  1. In the UI, go to Monitoring | Events.
  2. In the Events list, click the Event ID number of the relevant event.
    The Event Details pages is displayed.
  3. In the IDE Diagnostics area at the bottom of the page, click .
    The IDE Diagnostics Settings dialog is displayed.

  4. Select Alternate server, and enter the server IP.
  5. Click Set.
If you are using the UI of a different server than the one upon which the event originated on, and would like to perform your IDE diagnostic actions on the originating server, follow the same steps and select Originating server in the IDE Diagnostics Settings dialog.