Password Management

After completing the Installation process and opening Zend Server, a password definition page is displayed for first time users. This page only appears once to define the Administration Interface's login password.


For security reasons, Zend Server cannot restore your password for you. However, you can reset your password.


The following procedure describes how to reset a lost password from outside the Administration Interface.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To reset your password:

In Windows:

  1. In the Start menu locate the Zend Server section and select Zend | Change Password. Your password is reset.

  2. The next time you log in to the Administration Interface, you will be prompted to set a new password.

Other operating systems:

  1. From the command line, run that is located in: <install_path>/bin

  2. You will be prompted to enter a new password.

Correct completion of this procedure in Windows: Zend Server displays the password definition page.

Correct completion of this procedure in other operating systems: You can log in with the new password.

If you are unable to change your password, refer to the Support Center for further information.


The following procedure describes how to change your password from inside the Zend Server Administration Interface.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To change your password from inside the Administration Interface:

  1. In the Administration Interface, go to Administration | Password and License.

  2. Enter your current password and enter your new password in the next two fields.

  3. Click "Change Password" to apply changes.

Correct completion of this procedure results in Zend Server requiring you to log in with the new password the next time you access the Administration interface.



Related Links

Related Links:

Password Management

