Event Details

The Event Details page is accessed from Monitor | Events by selecting an event from the list and clicking on the row.


The Event Details page is the main display area for information regarding the occurrence of a specific type of event.
Information on how an event is triggered is presented in Event Rules.



Not all events display the same information. Only information relevant to the specific event type will be shown.

The following actions can be performed from the Event Details page:

On the Event Details page, users can view a general summary of an occurrence, its status and diagnose the occurrence with Zend Studio for Eclipse.

Event Detail - Information

The following list describes the information types displayed in the Event Details Page

Top Bar:

Event Details Table:
Events are aggregated into groups based on the time they occurred. The aggregation is set to five minutes: Thus, all the events that occur within that time frame are grouped together. Each time a set of events is aggregated (i.e., a new group is created), the occurrence details are collected again. To view the event occurrence details for a group, click on the group in the Event Details table: The display on the right will change to display the following options.

The Event Details Table options are:

Clicking on one of these options updates the display with the relevant information.


Event Details

The Event Details are a collection of information relevant to the event that occurred. Clicking on a time in the table on the left (Event Details Table) will display the information relevant to the selected occurrence/es. Through this you can find out for example, if a different function caused the error or if a different message was thrown.


The following list presents the possible details that can be displayed for a specific occurrence:



Related Links

Related Links:


Working with Events

Working with Event Details

Rule Types

Advanced Diagnostics with Zend Server - Best Practices Guide

Monitor Security Blacklist