You are here: User Guide > Tasks > Developing with JavaScript > Viewing JavaScript Elements in the Outline View

Viewing JavaScript Elements in the Outline View

This procedure describes how to view JavaScript objects and elements in the Outline view.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To view your JavaScript objects in the Outline view:

  1. Go to the Outline view.
    If it is not displayed, go to Window | Show View | Outline.

  2. If your JavaScript objects are contained within a PHP file, click the Menu arrow on the Outline view's toolbar and select html.
    HTML and JavaScript objects contained within the file will be displayed in a tree view.

Outline view - HTML

  1. Double-Clicking the <Script> node in the outline view will select the entire <script> element in the Editor.




Related Links:

JavaScript Support

Developing with JavaScript
Enabling JavaScript Support in PHP Projects

Setting the JavaScript Build Path

Setting Up Dojo Integration

Using JavaScript Content Assist

Using JavaScript Syntax Coloring

Opening JavaScript Types

Using JavaScript Mark Occurrences



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