You are here: User Guide > Tasks > Working with Deployment > Updating an Application

Updating an Application

This procedure describes how to update your application. Any changes that are applied to your project will be updated via the target.

Prerequisites: A project with enabled deployment. For more information on enabling deployment, see Enabling Deployment Support for Your Application.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To update your application:

  1. Select the project you wish to update.

  2. Open the deployment.xml file and select the Overview tab.

  1. In the Testing area, click Deploy a PHP Application.
    Drag the project from the PHP Explorer onto the target in the Target view and select Deploy a PHP Application.
    The Deploy PHP Application dialog is displayed.

  1. Click on Advanced Settings.
    The Advanced Settings area is displayed.

  1. Mark Update and click the dropdown menu to select the application you wish to update.

  2. Click Finish.
    Your application will be deployed and updated.





Related Links

Related Links:

Deploying an Application

Removing an Application



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