You are here: Installation and Upgrade Guide > Uninstalling Zend Studio 9.0 > Uninstalling Zend Studio on Windows

Uninstalling Zend Studio on Windows



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To Uninstall Zend Studio on Windows:

  1. Go to the Start menu on your computer and select the Control Panel.

  2. In the Control Panel select Add or Remove Programs.
    A list of all programs appears.

  3. Choose Zend Studio and click one of the following two options:

  • Remove – This will remove Zend Studio from your computer.

  • Change – This allows you to change your current installation of Zend Studio. After clicking Change, follow the directions below.

  1. The Zend Studio Setup Wizard opens.

  1. Click Next.
    The Change, repair, or remove installation screen opens.

  1. From this screen you can choose from the  following options:


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