You are here: User Guide > Reference > PHP Perspectives and Views > Profiling Monitor View

Profiling Monitor View

The Profiling Monitor view displays a list of previously run Profiling sessions.

Expanding the list under a Profiling session allows you to select a Profiling view to display.

Toolbar Commands




Delete Session

Deletes a Profiling session from the list. This will be enabled if a profiling session is selected.

Sort Profile Sessions

Click the arrow next to the Profile Session to sort the Profile Session list by date or time.


The Profiling Monitor view is displayed by default as part of the Profiling Perspective. To manually open the view, go to Window | Show View | Other | PHP Profiler | Profiling Monitor.



Related Links:
PHP Profile Perspective

Profiler Information View

Execution Statistics View

Execution Flow View

Code Coverage Summary View

PHP Debug Perspective

PHP Perspectives and Views



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