You are here: User Guide > Reference > PHP Perspectives and Views > Execution Flow View

Execution Flow View

The Execution Flow view shows the flow of the execution process and summarizes percentages and times spent on each function.

Function Information

The view displays the following information for each function:

Right Click Menu

Right-clicking a function in the list gives you the option to:


Toolbar Commands




Expand/Collapse all

Expands/collapses the list.

'Show as Percentage'

Toggles the view to show your times in seconds or percentages.

Sort Profile Sessions

Click the arrow next to the Profile Session to sort the Profile Session list by the Order in which the functions were executed or by Duration Time.



The Execution Flow view is displayed by default as part of the Profiling Perspective. To manually open the view, go to Window | Show View | Other | PHP Profiler | Execution Flow.



Related Links:
PHP Profile Perspective

Profiling Monitor View

Profiler Information View

Execution Statistics View

PHP Debug Perspective

PHP Perspectives and Views



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