You are here: Installation and Upgrade Guide > Installing Zend Studio 9.0 > Installing Zend Studio on Linux

Installing Zend Studio on Linux



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To install Zend Studio on Linux:

  1. Extract the tar.GZ to a selected directory where Zend Studio will be installed. Below is the extract command with file.tar.gz being the Zend Studio archive file:
    tar zxvf file.tar.gz

  2. Go to the selected directory and launch the application by double clicking on the icon which is labeled ZendStudio.
    -OR -
    Run the Zend Studio binary file to launch Studio by running the command:
    The License Agreement screen opens.

  1. Select the ‘I accept the terms of the License Agreement’ checkbox and click Next.
    If you do not accept the terms, click Cancel.
    The Add-Ons screen opens.

  1. To install the Zend Firefox Toolbar select the ‘Zend Firefox Toolbar’ checkbox.
    The Zend Firefox Toolbar allows you to debug pages and applications directly from your Firefox browser (Zend Studio must be installed for the toolbar to be active). This is an optional feature in the installation.
    For more information see the Zend Browser Toolbar topic.

  2. Click Finish to save all changes and begin using Zend Studio.
    Zend Studio launches with the Welcome screen open.
    The Welcome screen is a compilation of resources and information to help users of all different experience levels get started with Zend Studio. You can exit the screen by clicking the close icon in the corner tab. To return to the Welcome page at any time, go to Help | Welcome.

Zend Studio's Welcome page contains a list of plugins that can be added and removed according to your personal preferences. For more information, see Customizing and Registering Zend Studio.


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