You are here: User Guide > Tasks > Working with Deployment > Creating an OpenShift Target

Creating an OpenShift Target

Creating an OpenShift target in Zend Studio allows you to deploy your application on OpenShift.


Adding an OpenShift Target

This procedure describes how to add an existing OpenShift target in Zend Studio.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To add an OpenShift target:

  1. From the Menu bar,  select Window | Show View | Targets to add the Target view to your workspace.

  1. In the Target view, click on the Add Target icon .
    The Add Target dialog is displayed.

  1. Click OpenShift | Next.
    The Target Details dialog is displayed.

  1. Enter the following information:
  • Username: Your OpenShift account username.

  • Password: Your OpenShift account password.

  • SSH Private Key: Your OpenShift SSH Keypair.

  1. Click Test Connection.
    Zend Studio validates the existing targets on your OpenShift account. If Zend Server has not been initialized for any of your Zend Server 5.6 cartridges, the OpenShift Target Initialization dialog is displayed.

  1. Enter a Zend Server password. The password is required to access the Zend Server user interface.

  2. Click Next.
    The Zend Server EULA is displayed.

  1. Read and accept the EULA, and click Finish.
    Zend Studio will initialize the Zend Server 5.6 cartridge in your OpenShift account.
  2. Back in the Target Details dialog, click Finish.
    The new OpenShift target appears in the Targets view.

You can now deploy a project on OpenShift by dragging an existing project from the PHP Explorer onto the new target. For more information on deploying, see Deploying an Application.

Possible Problems when Testing the Connection

There are a number of issues that may arise when testing the connection to create the new OpenShift target in Zend Studio. This section describes the possible errors you may encounter after entering your OpenShift account credentials and clicking Test Connection, and the steps to take to solve them.

Wrong OpenShift Account Credentials

If you are creating a new OpenShift target and do not have an OpenShift account, or if you have entered wrong account credentials, you will not be able to establish a connection to OpenShift and create the new target in Zend Studio, and may need to create a new OpenShift account.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To create an OpenShift account from the Target Details dialog:

Click the Create new OpenShift account link.

To create an OpenShift account from your browser:

Go to


Error Message: Domain Has Not Been Created Yet

This error is displayed if your OpenShift account does not include a defined domain. The domain is defined when you create your first application in OpenShift.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To define a domain:

  1. In the Target Details dialog, click Create New OpenShift Target.
    The Create New OpenShift Domain is displayed.

  1. Enter a domain name, and click Next.
    The Create New OpenShift Target dialog is displayed.

  1. Name the new target (The target name cannot be identical to the name of any existing applications in your OpenShift account).
  2. Select an available Gear profile from your OpenShift account.
  3. To automatically install the MySQL cartridge, select the 'Add MySQL Database' check-box.
  1. Enter a Zend Server password. The password is required to access the Zend Server user interface.
  2. Click Next.
    The Zend End-User License Agreement is displayed.

  1. Read and accept the license agreement, and click Finish.
    Zend Studio creates the new OpenShift target with the Zend Server 5.6 cartridge.
  1. Back in the Target Details dialog, click Test Connection again, and Finish to add the target.
    The OpenShift target is added to the Targets view, and can now be used to deploy applications.


Error Message: No Valid Target Detected

This error is displayed if your OpenShift target includes a defined domain, but does not contain any Zend Server 5.6 applications on it (Zend Server 5.6 cartridge).



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To add a valid target to your OpenShift account:

  1. In the Target Details dialog, click Create New OpenShift Target.
    The Create New OpenShift Target dialog is displayed.


If your OpenShift account does not have a defined domain, the Create New OpenShift Domain is displayed (see above).

  1. Name the new target (The target name cannot be identical to the name of any existing applications in your OpenShift account).
  2. Select an available Gear profile from your OpenShift account.
  3. To automatically install the MySQL cartridge,select the 'Add MySQL Database' check-box.
  1. Enter a Zend Server password. The password is required to access the Zend Server user interface.
  2. Click Next.
    The Zend Server End-User License Agreement is displayed.

  1. Read and accept the license agreement, and click Finish.
    Zend Studio creates the new OpenShift target with the Zend Server 5.6 cartridge.
  1. Back in the Add Target dialog, click Test Connection again, and Finish to add the target.
    The OpenShift target is added to the Targets view, and can now be used to deploy applications.


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