You are here: User Guide > Tasks > Using PHPUnit Testing > Reporting on PHPUnit Test Results

Reporting on PHPUnit Test Results

Once you have run a PHPUnit Test Case/Suite, you can quickly and easily create a report to view the results of your test.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To generate a report:

  1. Run a PHPUnit Test Case/Suite. (See Running a PHPUnit Test Case or Running a PHPUnit Test Suite for more information).

  2. In the PHPUnit view, click the arrow next to the Report Generator icon on the view's toolbar to select a report type -or- click the Report Generator icon itself to generate the last generated report.
    See PHPUnit Testing for more on the different types of reports.

PHPUnit Report Options

  1. A report will be automatically generated and opened in a browser window.

Unit Test Results Report


Reports will be generated in the location defined in the PHPUnit Preferences page.

  1. Clicking the link beneath a failed test result will take you to the relevant test.




Related Links:

PHPUnit Testing

Using PHPUnit Testing

Creating a PHPUnit Test Case

Creating a PHPUnit Test Suite

Running a PHPUnit Test Case

PHPUnit Preferences



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