User Guide > Tasks > Working with Plugins > Working with VMWare Workstation Support > Working with VMware Virtual Machines > Defining a VMware Run/Debug Configuration

Defining a VMware Run/Debug Configuration

This procedure describes how to define a VMware run or debug configuration. This configuration can be used when choosing to run or debug your PHP application, and is necessary in order to work with multiple virtual machines. The Configurations dialog allows you to specify additional information for your run or debug configuration.

Before defining a VMware run/debug configuration you must define a virtual machine connection, which can also be done while running a PHP application on a virtual machine or debugging a PHP application on a virtual machine.  



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To define a VMware run or debug configuration:

  1. Click in the main toolbar and select Debug Configurations -or- Go to Run | Debug Configurations.
    The Debug Configurations dialog opens.

  2. Double-click the PHP Application on VM option to create a new debug configuration.

  1. The dialog consists of the following fields:

  • Main tab

    • Name - Enter a name for the new configuration.

    • Virtual Machine Path - Click Browse to browse to your virtual machine.

    • Username - The username of your virtual machine. This is defined in your virtual machine.

    • Password - The password of your virtual machine. This is defined in your virtual machine.

    • Start from Snapshot - Starts the debug session from a selected snapshot in your virtual machine. For more information see VMware KB - Working with snapshots.

  • Shared Folders tab - This page allows you to define a folder as a shared folder between your local machine and your virtual machine. This will allow both machines to have access to the folder.

    • Name - The name you define for the shared folder.

    • Host Path - The path to the shared folder on its original machine.

    • Add - Click Add to define a new shared folder by defining the name and host path in the Add a New Shared Folder dialog.

    • Edit - Click Edit to change the name or host path of a shared folder.

    • Remove - Select the shared folder you would like to delete and click Remove.

  • Scripts tab - This page allows you to run a specific script before and/or after the debug session.

    • In the "Before Launch, Run Script" text field, paste the script you would like to run before the debug session begins.

    • In the "After Termination, Run Script" text field, paste the script you would like to run after the debug session is terminated.

  1. Click Apply and then Close.
    Your run or debug configuration has been saved.

You can now run a PHP application on a virtual machine or debug a PHP application on a virtual machine with your new configuration.

All virtual machines which are defined in your Zend Studio can be viewed in the Remote Systems view, which can be accessed by going to Window | Show View | Other | Remote Systems | Remote Systems.


Read Also

  VMware Workstation Integration    
  Working with VMWare Workstation Support    
  Integrating with VMware Workstation    
  Working with VMware Virtual Machines