User Guide > Reference > PHP Preferences > Debug Preferences > Installed Debuggers Preferences

Installed Debuggers Preferences

The Installed Debuggers Preferences page allows you to configure your Debugger settings.

The Installed Debuggers Preferences page is accessed from Window | Preferences | PHP | Debug | Installed Debuggers.

Installed Debuggers

Configuring Your Zend Debugger Settings



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To configure your Zend Debugger settings:

  1. Select the Zend Debugger.

  2. Click Configure.
    The Zend Debugger Settings dialog will open.

  1. Configure the following:

  • Debug Port - The port which the Zend Debugger will use. The default port is 10137.

  • Client Host/IP - Enter the Client Host/IP to which debugging results will be returned. Zend Studio will automatically search for and recognize the Client Host/IP, but entering a specific Host/IP will speed up the debugging process and decrease the likelihood of session timeouts.


If the field contains too many host/IPs, the session could timeout before a debugging connection is established. Entering a non-existent host/IP could cause the session to terminate.

  • Debug Response Timeout (ms) - Default 50000

  • Use New Protocol - This check-box is selected by default, and applies Zend Studio 10.x performance improvements to the Zend Debugger. If you have encountered any issues with the Zend Debugger, de-select this check-box to revert to previous Zend Debugger protocol.
  • Broadcast Port - The Broadcast Port allows your Zend Browser Toolbar or your Zend Server to detect your debugging preferences. The Broadcast Port number entered here must match the Broadcast Port entered in your Zend Browser Toolbar. The default port is 20080.
  • Dummy File Name - This is the file which the PHP Script debugger uses in order to start a PHP script debugging session on a specified server. The name should be left as the default dummy.php. However, if this is changed, ensure the change has also been made on your server.
    See Ensuring the Placement of dummy.php for more information.

  • Use SSL Encryption - Mark this checkbox to Encrypt Communication using SSL. Your server must support this option in order for it to be applicable.

  1. Click OK to return to the Installed Debuggers Preferences page.

  2. Click Apply to apply your settings.



Read Also

  PHP Preferences    
  Debug Preferences