User Guide > Tasks > Connecting to Databases > Creating and Executing an SQL Query

Creating and Executing an SQL Query

This procedure describes how you can run an SQL query on your database once you have created it.

You must have created a Connection Profile and connected to your database before using this functionality.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To run an SQL Query on your database:

  1. Open the Database Development perspective by going to Window | Open Perspective | Other | Database Development.

  2. Connect to your Database by following the steps in the Connecting to a Database topic.

  3. Click the Open Scrapbook icon on the toolbar.
    A new SQL scrapbook will open.

SQL File editor

SQL Query Builder

  1. Write your query in the scrapbook (e.g. select * from mytablename;)

  2. To execute your query, right-click anywhere in the editor and select Execute All -or- press Ctrl+Alt+X.
    To execute only specified queries, highlight the relevant lines, right-click and select Execute Selected Text.

The query will be run and the results will be displayed in the Result1 tab in the SQL Results view.

The left pane displays the execution history. For each statement that you execute, including stored procedures, an execution history entry is added to this pane. This allows you to quickly retest the execution using slightly different values and settings. You can rename or delete the launch configurations as needed.

SQL Results view

For more information on the Data Tools Platform, please see the Data Tools Platform User Documentation.


Read Also

  Using the Data Tools Platform    
  Creating a Database Connection Profile    
  Viewing and Editing Database Table Content    

Creating and Executing an SQL Query