User Guide > Tasks > Creating New PHP Projects > Creating a New PHP Project from OpenShift

Creating a New Project from OpenShift

This topic will explain how to create a new PHP project in your workspace by:

For information on configuring the OpenShift Server URL, see Configuring OpenShift.


These prerequisites are necessary for establishing a connection with the OpenShift application and creating a new target in Zend Studio. For more information on troubleshooting the process of creating a new OpenShift target in Zend Studio, see Possible Problems when Testing the Connection.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To import an OpenShift project into your workspace:

  1. Go to File | New | Project.
    In the PHP Explorer View, right-click and select New | Project.
  2. From the Wizards list, select PHP | PHP Project from OpenShift.
    The Create Project from OpenShift wizard is displayed.

  1. Enter the following information:
    • Project Name: Enter the name of your new project.
    • Location: Enter the location folder for your new project.
    • Cloud Server: Select an existing OpenShift server from the drop-down menu, or click Add Server to add a new one. For information on adding PHP servers, see Managing PHP Servers.
    • Use existing application - Select this option to select from the list of existing applications on OpenShift. Click Refresh to refresh the list after selecting the OpenShift server.
    • Create new application - Select this option if you wish to create a new application on OpenShift and in Zend Studio:
      1. Select the application content type (Basic, Zend Framework)
      2. Select the PHP version if Basic was selected.
      3. Add Composer support - select this check-box to add Composer support to the new project.
  1. Click Next.
    The Libraries dialog is displayed.

  1. Select the libraries you wish to add to the project, and click Finish.


If not already installed, selecting to install jQuery Library Support, ExtJS and Prototype will prompt a restart of Zend Studio.

The new project is created in your workspace and displayed in the PHP Explorer View

Configuring OpenShift

This procedure describes how to set the OpenShift server URL and production domain.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To configure the OpenShift Server URL:

  1. In the Menu bar, go to Window | Preferences | OpenShift.

  1. Enter an OpenShift server URL. Default URL:
  2. Enter the public production environment domain. Default domain:
  3. Click Apply to apply the changes.
  4. Click OK to close the Preferences dialog.



Read Also

  OpenShift Integration