User Guide > Reference > PHP Preferences > Application Monitoring Preferences

Application Monitoring Preferences

The Applications Monitoring Preferences page allows you to configure the Application Monitoring feature.

The Applications Monitoring Preferences page is accessed from Window | Preferences | PHP | Application Monitoring.

Application Monitoring Preferences

Targets Menu

The Targets menu contains a list of all the available targets defined in Zend Studio. Select a target from this menu before configuring Application Monitoring.

Filters Area

The Filters area allows you to enable Application Monitoring per application by adding URL filters. Click Add to add a new application filter, Modify to modify an existing filter, and Remove to disable monitoring for an application.

Severity Level Selection

Select the severity level for events triggering notifications in Zend Studio:

Hide Notifications Option

Automatically hide notifications by marking the 'Automatically hide notifications' check-box, and setting a delay time.



Related Links:

PHP Preferences

Working with Application Monitoring



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