Introducing ZendHQ Z-Ray Plugins
ZendHQ Z-Ray supports plugins for PHP that are written in PHP. For installation instructions, see ZendHQ Z-Ray Plugins Installation.
This release includes the following Z-Ray plugins:
- AWS plugin
- AWS-PHP-SDK plugin
- CodeIgniter 4 plugin
- Composer plugin
- Constants plugin
- Doctrine 2 plugin
- Magento plugin
- MongoDB plugin
- OPCache plugin
- Symfony plugin
- Wordpress plugin
AWS plugin
The Z-Ray AWS plugin provides information on the Amazon instance ZendPHP is running on, including the instance ID, the host name, public key, and more.
This plugin only functions properly in an Amazon AWS environment.
AWS-PHP-SDK plugin
This plugin displays information about AWS SDK calls in ZendPHP Z-Ray.
Information displayed includes which call was made, what were its arguments, and what was the result of the call. Additionally, all calls are split into sub tabs according to the AWS service that was used.
Documentation for the AWS SDK for PHP is available at AWS SDK for PHP Documentation.
CodeIgniter 4 plugin
This is a plugin to add CodeIgniter 4 framework introspection to ZendHQ's Z-Ray.
Info Tab
The Info tab displays general information about CodeIgniter state.
baseURL: app url
ciVersion: framework version
cspEnabled: Content Security Policy, true or false
debugMode: Debug mode enabled, true or false
environment: "development" or "production"
locale: current locale
matchedRoute: current matched route and parameters
phpSAPI: PHP SAPI name
phpVersion: PHP version
timezone: current timezone value
Routes Tab
The Routes tab displays a table of all defined routes, methods, and handlers.
Response Tab
The Response tab provides an alternative display for response body.
Events Tab
The Events tab displays information about all triggered CodeIgniter events. It exposes the following columns:
Event: The event name
Listeners: Count of listeners for this event
Arguments: Arguments sent to listener, if any
Start time: Event timestamp
Listeners Tab
The Listeners tab displays information about event listeners. It exposes the following columns:
Name: The event name
Callback: Callback function description
Helpers Tab
The Helpers tab displays a list of loaded helper functions:
Name: The helper name
Source: The full path of the PHP file
Composer plugin
The Z-Ray plugin provides information on which Composer packages are installed, including details of each installed package, such as version, homepage, support details, and information about PHP classes loaded by Composer.
Constants plugin
The Z-Ray plugin provides PHP Constants information, system-defined and user-defined.
Doctrine 2 plugin
This is a plugin to add Doctrine 2 introspection to ZendHQ's Z-Ray.
Entities Tab
The Entities tab displays information about entities used on the current page, as well as entity mappings. It exposes the following columns:
Entity: Fully qualified class name of the entity class
Number of unique entities: How many unique objects of this entity exist
Number of Referenced entities: How many references exist for this entity
Queries Tab
The Queries tab displays information about executed queries, and exposes the following columns:
id: Query identifier number
Query: The executed query, along with any bound parameters
Count: The number of executions
Cached: The number of cached queries
Events Tab
The Events tab displays information about Doctrine 2 events emitted as part of Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine support. It exposes the following columns:
Event: The event name
Count: The number of occurrences
Listeners: Listener classes
Cache Tab
The Cache tab displays information about Doctrine 2 caches, including which cache driver is used. It exposes the following columns:
Type: The cache type
Status: Which cache driver is used
Magento plugin
This is a plugin to add Magento Open Source introspection to ZendHQ's Z-Ray.
Info Tab
The Info tab displays general information about Magento's state.
Name: Magento
Edition: edition name, either "commercial" or "community"
Version: current version string
Base path: install path
Front controller: controller class name
Action: action class name
Config Tab
The Config tab displays all settings in tree format.
Paths Tab
The Paths tab displays all defined path names.
Events Tab
The Events tab displays information about Magento 2 events emitted with defined observers. It exposes the following columns:
Event: The event name
Name: Observer name
Observer: Observer class
Listeners Tab
The Listeners tab displays information about "before", "around", and "after" listeners and arguments used. It exposes the following columns:
Call: The observer method call
Listener: Called listener method names
Arguments: Argument values provided to listener methods (cropped).
Profiler Tab
The Profiler tab captures data of Magento inner profiler. It exposes the following columns:
Timer Id: The name of the block of code being executed
Time: The time it took to complete in milliseconds
Average: The average time it took to complete in milliseconds
Count: The number of times this individual block ran to generate the output required
Emalloc: The amount of memory PHP assigned to this single operation. This is represented in bytes.
RealMem: The actual amount of memory used to perform the operation.
MongoDB plugin
This is a plugin to add MongoDB PHP Library introspection to ZendHQ's Z-Ray.
Info Tab
The Info tab displays debug information about MongoDB connection state.
Version: MongoDB lib version
URI: connection URI
Write operations: Counts of how many rows were modified
Query Tab
The Query tab displays information about all executed MongoDB commands. Commands are converted to SQL-like readable syntax containing JSON-formatted parameters.
It exposes the following columns:
ID: Command sequence number
Time: Time spent in milliseconds
Rows: Affected or matched rows count
Result: "ok" or "fail"
OPCache plugin
The Z-Ray OPCache plugin provides information about the PHP OPCache state, including OPCache configuration, directives, statistics, and memory usage.
This plugin adds Symfony introspection to ZendHQ's Z-Ray.
Monolog Tab
The Monolog tab displays information about the logging activities within the application, including the log message, its severity level, and the specific channel in which the log was recorded.
Events Tab
The Events tab displays details about the dispatched events in the application, including the event name, type, dispatcher used, and whether event propagation was stopped.
Request Tab
The Request tab displays information about the HTTP request being processed, including the action taken, the controller handling the request, and relevant routing and session details.
Listeners Tab
The Listeners tab displays information about the event listeners registered in the application, specifically detailing the callable functions or methods that respond to dispatched events.
Security Tab
The Security tab displays information regarding the authentication status of users, including whether they are authenticated, their username, roles, and other relevant security attributes.
Wordpress plugin
The Z-Ray Wordpress plugin provides information about the Wordpress state. It collects general info and detailed data about cache, crons, hooks, and plugins.