Websocket API

ZendHQ provides a websocket API that communicates using JSON-RPC.

Basic usage

You need a websocket client, such as uswc to connect to the websocket. A number of programming languages have either native websocket support, or can provide it via libraries, extensions, or plugins.

You connect to the websocket via the ZendHQ server's IP or DNS address (for example,, localhost) and its port. The default port is 10091, custom ports are defined in the zendhqd.daemon_uri setting.

The following example uses uswc:

$ uswc ws://

Once connected, initialize a session, using the configured ZendHQ token:


When successful, you receive a response indicating a session has been initialized. At this point, you can proceed to call other request methods in the API as described in the remainder of this document.


A request is a remote procedure call sent by the client to the server. The request is a single JSON object that has the following members:

Member Description
id An identifier established by the client
method A string containing the name of the method to be invoked
params A structured value that holds the parameter values for the method


The id member contains an identifier that contains a string or a number. The server response to the request contains the same identifier.

The clients generates an identifier value for every request and the server responds with the same identifier value.

This member is required.

Note: Set the member to any value you want. We recommend starting with 1 and incrementing from there. Use unique values during a given websocket session; the values only need be unique for a given session.


The method member contains the name of the method to be invoked. Method names can include an optional namespace prefix separated with the period character:


This member is required.


The params member contains a structured value holding the parameter values for the method. Represent parameter values as an array (by position) or as an object (by parameter name).

This member is optional.


The server responds to client requests with a response. The response is a single JSON object that has the following members:

Member Description
id The identifier established by the client
result The result of the remote procedure call
error Error object


The id member is the identifier established by the client and identifies the request to which the response belongs.

This member is required.


The result member contains the result of the remote procedure call and is determined by the method invoked on the server. This member is required on success. This member must not exist if there was an error.


The error member contains an error object. This member is required if there was an error. This member must not exist on success.

The error object has the following members:

Member Description
code A number that identifies the type of the error
message A string describing the error
data Optional additional information about the error

The code member can have one of the following values:

Value Description
-32700 Failed to parse JSON

Invalid request

-32601 Requested method not found

Invalid or missing parameters

-32603 Internal server error

Invalid session

-32001 Authentication failed
-32002 Not licensed


Notifications are events sent by the server to the client. They are not related to any requests made by the client. For most of the notifications the client must first subscribe for the specific type of events.

Notifications are JSON objects with the following members:

Member Description
event A string identifying the event
params A structured value that holds the parameter values for the event


The event member is a string that identifies the event. Event names can include an optional namespace prefix separated with the period character:


This member is required.


The params member contains a structured value holding the parameter values for the event. Represent parameter values as an array (by position) or as an object (by parameter name).

This member is optional.


The client may send several Request objects at the same time by sending a JSON array filled with Request objects.

The server responds with an array containing the corresponding Response objects, after all the batch Request objects have been processed.

The Response objects being returned from a batch may be returned in any order within the array. The client must match contexts between the set of Request objects and the resulting set of Response objects based on the id member within each object.

If the batch rpc call itself fails to be recognized as a valid JSON or as an array with at least one value, the response from the server is a single Response object.


A JSON-RPC call to create a session (namespace session, method create):

C->S {"method":"session.create","id":1}
S->C {"result":{"sid":"session1","valid_until":1622098638},"id":1}

A JSON-RPC call to create a secure session with authentication:

C->S {"method":"session.create","params":{"user":"admin","password":"1234"},"id":2}
S->C {"result":{"sid":"session2","valid_until":1622098638},"id":2}

A JSON-RPC call to restore a session with positional parameters:

C->S {"method":"session.restore","params":["sessioni2"],"id":3}
S->C {"result":{"sid": "session2"},"id":3}

A JSON-RPC call to restore the session with named parameters:

C->S {"method":"session.restore","params":{"sid":"session2"},"id":4}
S->C {"result":{"sid":"session2"},"id":4}

A JSON-RPC call to restore the session with an invalid session ID value

C->S {"method":"session.restore","params":{"sid": "session3"},"id":5}
S->C {"error":{"code":-32000,"message":"invalid session id"},"id":5}

An invalid JSON-RPC call:

C->S {"method":"coffee.make","params":{"sugar":"yes","milk":"no"},"id":6}
S->C {"error":{"code":-32601,"message":"method not found"},"id":6}

An unauthorized JSON-RPC call:

C->S {"method":"tea.make","params":{"sugar":"yes","milk":"no"},"id":7}
S->C {"error":{"code":-32604,"message":"access denied"},"id":7}

A JSON-RPC call to subscribe for events of a specific type (namespace zray, method name subscribe):

C->S {"method":"zray.subscribe","id":8}
S->C {"result":"OK","id":8}

A batch of Request objects:

C->S [{"id":9,"method":"zray.version"},{"id":10,"method":"zray.subscribe"}]
S->C [{"id":9,"result":{"major":1,"minor":2}},{"id":10,"result":"OK"}]

A notification event sent out by the server (namespace zray, event name RINIT):

S->C {"event":"zray.RINIT","params":{"request_id":67}}

Namespace "session"

The session namespace manages client sessions. You can create, destroy, and restore client sessions. Clients must authenticate using an authentication token when creating or restoring a session. The authentication token is configurable. The default token is zendphp.

Methods in this namespace do not require a valid ZendHQ license.

session.version method

Requests the generic JSON RPC API version number from the server. Changes in this version number indicate

changes in any of the other namespace API versions.


Member Description
method Fixed string "session.version"


The result member contains the following values:

Member Description
major The JSON RPC API major version number
minor The JSON RPC API minor version number





S->C {"id":1,"result":{"major":1,"minor":1}}

session.create method

Creates a new session for the current client. The client must not have a session associated with it.


Member Description
method Fixed string "session.create"
params A JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following values:

Member Description
token The authentication token

The params member can contain the following values:

Member Description
duration Time in seconds how long the session is valid for Z-Ray

Use the duration member to specify how long the session is valid. This affects the usage of the session ID when activating Z-Ray requests. The default duration value is 1 day (86400 seconds)


The result member contains the following values:

Member Description
sid The session ID of the newly created session
valid_until UNIX time until which the session is valid
license ZendHQ license details

The license member CAN contain the following values:

Member Description
status Status of the license
type One of “trial”, “cloud”, or “subscription”
identifier License identifier (email, order ID, etc.)
expires UNIX timestamp when the license expires
max_nodes Maximum number of nodes

The status member CAN have one of the following values:

Member Description

The license is valid


The license is invalid


The license is missing


The license has expired






session.destroy method

Destroys the current session for the client. The client must be associated with a session created with the session.create method call. Destroyed sessions are removed permanently and cannot be restored.


Member Description
method Fixed string "session.destroy"


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".






session.restore method

Restores a session previously created with session.create method call and identified by the session ID value. The client must not have any sessions associated with it. The session being restored must exist, tha tis, not destroyed nor timed out.


Member Description
method Fixed string "session.restore"
params A JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following values:

Member Description
sid The ID of the session being restored
token The authentication token


The result member contains the following values:

Member Description
sid The session ID of the restored session
valid_until UNIX time until which the session is valid
license ZendHQ license details

See session.create for the license member details.






session.id method

Queries the current session ID from the server. The client must have a session associated with it.


Member Description
method Fixed string "session.id"


The result member contains the following values:

Member Description
sid The session ID of the restored session
valid_until UNIX time until which the session is valid
license License details

See session.create for the license member details.






session.namespaces method

Queries the list of all the namespaces available for the current session.


Member Description
method Fixed string "session.namespaces"


The result member contains a JSON array with JSON objects that have the following values:

Member Description
namespace The namespace
authorized Authorized flag
licensed Licensed flag

The authorized member is a JSON boolean value indicating that the current session is authorized to use the namespace, that is, the namespace requires a valid session and the current session is valid, or the namespace does not require a valid session.

The licensed member is a JSON boolean value indicating that the current session is licensed to use the namespace.

Notice that the licensed member is available only to valid sessions.






Namespace "conf"

The conf namespace manages configuration settings. Configuration settings are a key-value database with namespaces.

The client must have a session associated with it and the ZendHQ license must be valid.

conf.get method

Retrieves the configuration value identified by a namespace and key.


Member Description
method Fixed string "conf.get"
params A JSON object or array of objects with method parameters

The params member contains the following values:

Member Description
ns The namespace
key The key

The params member may contain an array of Request objects.


The result member contains an array of configuration values. The number of value elements in the array always matches the number of requested keys.

If a configuration value is not found, then the whole request returns an error.

conf.set method

Sets the configuration value identified by a namespace and key.


Member Description
method Fixed string "conf.set"
params A JSON object or array of objects with method parameters

The params member contains the following values:

Member Description
ns The namespace
key The key
value The value

The params member may contain an array of requests objects. The server responds with a result only when all the requested values are set.


The params member contains the following values:

Member Description
cid The new configuration ID value

conf.id method

Queries the current configuration ID value from the server.


Member Description
method Fixed string "conf.id"


The result member contains the following values:

Member Description
cid The current configuration ID value

conf.namespaces method

Queries the list of all the namespaces.


Member Description
method Fixed string "conf.namespaces"


The params member contains an array of namespace names.

conf.keys method

Queries all the keys in a namespace.


Member Description
method Fixed string "conf.keys"
params A json object with method parameters

The params member contains the following values:

Member Description
ns The namespace


The params member contains an array of configuration keys in the requested namespace.

Namespace "zray"

The zray namespace manages client subscriptions to Z-Ray real-time data. Clients can subscribe to Z-Ray real-time data and unsubscribe. The client must have a session associated with it and the ZendHQ license must be valid.

zray.version method

Requests the zray namespace API version number from the server.


Member Description
method Fixed string "zray.version"


The result member contains the following values:

Member Description
major The Z-Ray API major version number
minor The Z-Ray API minor version number


C->S {"id":1,"method":"zray.version"}
S->C {"id":1,"result":{"major":1,"minor":2}}

zray.subscribe method

Subscribes the client to the Z-Ray real-time data notifications.


Member Description
method Fixed string "zray.subscribe"


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".


C->S {"id":1,"method":"zray.subscribe"}
S->C {"id":1,"result":"OK"}

zray.unsubscribe method

Unsubscribes the client from the Z-Ray real-time data notifications.


Member Description
method Fixed string "zray.unsubscribe"


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".


C->S {"id":1,"method":"zray.unsubscribe"}
S->C {"id":1,"result":"OK"}

zray.RINIT event

The zray.RINIT notification event is sent out for every request before the request is processed by PHP. The params member contains the following values:

Member Description
request_id A number uniquely identifying the request
time_sec UNIX time of the request
time_usec Microseconds of the request time
method The request method ("GET" or "PUT")
target The target of the request
node_name Name of the node that processes the request
pid Process ID of the PHP process that processes the request


S->C {"event":"zray.RINIT","params":{"method":"GET","node_name":"Node #1",

zray.RSHUTDOWN event

The zray.RSHUTDOWN notification event is sent out for every request after the request is processed by PHP. The params member contains the following values:

Member Description
request_id A number uniquely identifying the request
http_response_code The HTTP response code sent to the browser
total_time Time it took to process the request in milliseconds
memory_usage How much memory the request used in bytes
memory_peak_usage How much maximum memory the request used in bytes
memory_limit PHP memory limit in bytes


S->C {"event":"zray.RSHUTDOWN","params":{"http_response_code":200,

zray.ERROR event

The zray.ERROR notification event is sent out when a PHP exception, notice, warning, or error occurs. The params member contains the following values:

Member Description
request_id A number uniquely identifying the request
time_sec Time when the error occurred (UNIX time)
time_usec The milliseconds
severity Severity of the message (0, 1, 2, or 3)
error_type Type of the error
error_type_str Short description of the error type
class_name Name of the PHP exception class if this is a PHP exception
file_name Full name of the PHP source file
line_no The line number if the PHP source file
code Optional code from the PHP exception
message The error or exception message string
stack_trace Stack trace of the error or exception


The severity member can have the following values:

Value Description
0 PHP exceptions
1 PHP notice messages
2 PHP warning messages
3 PHP error messages


The error_type member can have the following values (may depend on the PHP version):

Value Description
0 PHP exception
1 PHP error
2 PHP warning
4 PHP parser error
8 PHP notice
16 PHP core error
32 PHP core warning
64 PHP compile error
128 PHP compile warning
256 User error
512 User warning
1024 User notice
2048 PHP strict warning
4096 PHP recoverable error
8192 PHP deprecated warning
16384 User deprecated warning


The stack_trace member contains an array of frame objects with the following members:

Member Description
frame_id The frame ID value
function_name Name of the function
file_name Full name of the PHP source file
line_no The line number if the PHP source file


S->C {"event":"zray.ERROR","params":{"class_name":"Exception","code":"0",
"line_no":18,"message":"Cannot say hello to World","request_id":4,"severity":0,

zray.FUNCTIONS event

The zray.FUNCTIONS notification event is sent out after the request and contains a list of all the PHP and user functions that were called during the request. The params member contains the following members:

Member Description
request_id A number uniquely identifying the request
functions An array of functions


The functions member is an array of functions objects, which contain the following members:

Member Description
type Type of the functions ("USER" or "INTERNAL")
function_name Name of the function
times_called How many times the function was called
total_duration_inclusive Total inclusive time spent in this function in seconds
total_duration_exclusive Total exclusive time spent in this function in seconds
file_name Full name of the PHP source file
line_start The line number in the PHP source file where the function starts
line_end The line number in the PHP source file where the function ends



zray.STORAGE event

The zray.STORAGE notification event is sent out when a Z-Ray plugin is activated and writes plugin-specific data to the $storage array. The params member contains the following members:

Member Description
request_id A number uniquely identifying the request
name_space A string identifying the Z-Ray plugin
key The key value from the $storage array
data A structured value holding the value(s) from the $storage variable


S->C {"event":"zray.STORAGE","params":{"data":{"#":2,"Name":"Perforce"},


The zray.SUPERGLOBALS notification event is sent out with every PHP superglobal array at the end of the request. The params member contains the following members:

Member Description
request_id A number uniquely identifying the request
variables An object with PHP superglobal variables (_SERVER, _GET etc)


The variables member contains PHP superglobal variables with the following members:

Member Description
values An object with all the PHP superglobal variable values
old_values An object with all the old values in case they changed


        "_SERVER":{"HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING":"gzip, deflate"}


The zray.REQUEST_HEADERS notification event is sent out at the end of the request and contains all the request headers sent to the PHP. The params member contains the following members:

Member Description
request_id A number uniquely identifying the request
headers An array with request header strings


    {"headers":["Host: localhost:8080","Accept-Language: en-gb",
     "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate","Connection: keep-alive"],

zray.RAW_POST_DATA event

The zray.RAW_POST_DATA notification event is sent out at the end of the request and contains the raw post data if the request method was POST. The params member contains the following members:

Member Description
request_id A number uniquely identifying the request
data A string containing the raw post data




The zray.RESPONSE_HEADERS notification event is sent out at the end of the request and contains all the response headers sent out by the PHP. The params member contains the following members:

Member Description
request_id A number uniquely identifying the request
headers An array with response headers


    {"headers":["Set-Cookie: zraytok=BMy5YAAAAAC3oXNviy5-EAAAANA; Max-Age:86400",
        "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"],

zray.RESPONSE_BODY event

The zray.RESPONSE_BODY notification event is sent out at the end of the request and contains the raw response body sent out by the PHP. The params member contains the following members:

Member Description
request_id A number uniquely identifying the request
content_type The type of the content as a string
body The base64 encoded raw response body as a string


    {"content_type": "text/html; charset=UTF-8",

Namespace "zrayh"

The zrayh namespace manages Z-Ray historical data. Clients can query Z-Ray historical data. The client must have a session associated with it and the ZendHQ license must be valid.

zrayh.version method

Requests the zrayh namespace API version number from the server.


Member Description
method Fixed string "zrayh.version"


The result member contains the following values.

Member Description
major The Z-Ray API major version number
minor The Z-Ray API minor version number


C->S {"id":1,"method":"zrayh.version"}

S->C {"id":1,"result":{"major":1,"minor":2}}

zrayh.get_requests method

Requests a list of historical Z-Ray requests. Use optional params members to get a filtered response. The default is to return up to 50 last requests stored in the database.


Member Description
method Fixed string "zrayh.get_requests"
params A JSON object with method parameters

The params member can contain the following values:

Member Description
count Maximum number of requests included in the response
filter A JSON object with request filters

The filter object can contain the following members:

Member Description
time_sec_from A JSON value with the UNIX time
time_sec_to A JSON value with the UNIX time
method A JSON value or an array with request methods
response_code A JSON value or an array with response codes

The time_sec_from member contains a JSON value with the UNIX time. Only requests with a request time equal or greater than this value are included in the response.

Without the time_sec_from member there is no lower limit for request times.

The time_sec_to member contains a JSON value with the UNIX time. Only requests with a request time less than this value are included in the response.

Without the time_sec_to member there is no upper limit for response times.

The method member contains a single JSON value or an array or values with request methods to include in the response. You can use the following values:

  • GET

  • POST

  • CLI

Without the method member requests with any request method are included in the response.

The response_code member contains a single JSON value or an array of values with request response codes to include in the response. You can use the following values:

  • 2xx - matches any successful responses (200-299)

  • 3xx - matches any redirect responses (300-399)

  • 4xx - matches any client error responses (400-499)

Without the response_code member requests with any response code are included in the response.


The result member contains an array of historical Z-Ray requests as JSON objects with the following members:

Member Description
request_id A number uniquely identifying the request
time_sec UNIX time of the request
time_usec Microseconds of the request time
method The request method ("GET" or "POST")
target The target of the request
http_response_code The HTTP response code sent to the browser
total_time Time it took to process the request in milliseconds
error_severity An integer value indicating notices, warnings, and errors

The error_severity member indicates the most severe notice, warning or error message associated with the request and can have one of the following values:

  • 0 - No PHP notice, warning or error messages; may have PHP exceptions

  • 1 - Has at least one PHP notice

  • 2 - Has at least one PHP warning

  • 3 - Has at least one PHP error


C->S {"id":1,"method":"zrayh.get_requests","params":{"filter":{"time_sec_from":1622631000,"method":"GET"}}}
S->C {"id":1,"result":[{"error_severity":0,"http_response_code":200,"method":"GET","request_id":3,

zrayh.get_request method

Requests all the data for a single Z-Ray historical request.


Member Description
method Fixed string "zrayh.get_requests"
params A JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following values:

Member Description
request_id The ID of the request


The result member contains a JSON object with the request details and contains the following members:

Member Description
request_id The ID of the request
rinit zray.RINIT event members
rshutdown zray.RSHUTDOWN event members
errors An array of errors with zray.ERROR event members
functions An array of function statistics
user_data An array of user data objects with zray.STORAGE event members
superglobals An array of PHP superglobal variables
request_headers An array of request headers
raw_post_data A string containing the raw post data
response_headers An array of response headers
response_body zray.RESPONSE_BODY event members

zrayh.delete_request method

Deletes the request(s) and all the related data.


Member Description
method Fixed string "zrayh.delete_request"
params A JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following values:

Member Description
request_id The ID of the request (can be an array of ID values)


The result member contains the fixed string "OK". Note that the method succeeds even if there were no such requests.

Namespace "mon"

The mon namespace manages Monitoring data. Clients can query collected monitoring issues and events.

Monitoring event is a single occurrence of an event. Every monitoring event is associated with one and only one monitoring issue. If you have enabled monitoring event aggregation in the configuration, then you can associate multiple monitoring events with the same monitoring issue.

The client must have a session associated with it and the ZendHQ license must be valid.

mon.version method

Requests the mon namespace API version number from the server.


Member Description
method Fixed string "mon.version"


The result member contains the following values.

Member Description
major The Monitoring API major version number
minor The Monitoring API minor version number






mon.subscribe method

Subscribes the client to the Monitoring real-time data notifications mon.issue.


Member Description
method Fixed string "mon.subscribe"


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".






mon.unsubscribe method

Unsubscribes the client from the Monitoring real-time data notifications.


Member Description
method Fixed string "mon.unsubscribe"


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".






mon.load_default_rules method

Loads default monitoring rules from the default_monitor_rules.json file and replaces current monitoring rules with the default rules.


Member Description
method Fixed string "mon.load_default_rules"


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".






mon.issue event

The mon.issue notification event is sent out for every time a new monitoring issue is created or an existing issue is updated.

Data structure for the notification is the same as described in mon.get_issues except that a single data object is included in the event.

mon.get_issues method

Requests a list of issues. Use optional params members to get a filtered response. The default is to return up to 50 last issues stored in the database.


Member Description
method Fixed string "mon.get_issues
params A JSON object with method parameters

The params member can contain the following values:

Member Description
count Maximum number of issues included in the response
request_id Optional request ID value

The optional request_id parameter can be used to filter monitoring issues that contain monitoring events with the given request ID value.


The result member contains an array of historical monitoring issues as JSON objects with the following members:

Member Description
issue_id A number uniquely identifying the issue
time_sec UNIX time of the last event
name Rule name what caused the event generation
severity Event severity level
count Aggregated events count
code_trace_id Optional request ID of the last Code Trace
task_id Optional ID of the last JobQueue task

The severity member indicates severity of the issue and can have one of the following values:

  • "notice"

  • "warning"

  • "critical"





{"id":1,"result":[{"event_id":1,"time_sec":1622631380, "name":"Slow request", "severity":"critical", "count": 1}]}

mon.get_issue method

Requests the issue details.


Member Description
method Fixed string "mon.get_issue"
params A JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following value:

Member Description
issue_id The ID of the issue


The result member contains a JSON object with the following members:

Member Description
issue_id A number uniquely identifying the issue
request_id A number uniquely identifying the request
name Event name, based on rule name
type Type of the event
severity Event severity level
time_sec UNIX time of the event
time_first_sec UNIX time of the first event (when aggregated)
count The count of something, unclear
has_code_trace yes / no / pending
code_trace_id Optional request ID of the last Code Trace
request Optional request data object
function Optional function data object
error Optional error data object
stack_trace Optional stack trace
custom Optional custom event data object
variables Optional $_SERVER, $_REQUEST, etc
actions Optional, actions taken
exec_time_msec Optional function/query execution time in msec
memory_usage_bytes Optional memory usage in bytes
task_id Optional ID of the last JobQueue task
exec_failure Optional JobQueue task execution failure
exec_delay_sec Optional JobQueue task execution delay
job Optional JobQueue job data object


Member Description
url Request URL
php_version The PHP version string
node_name Name of the node that processed the request
pid Process ID of the PHP process that processed the request


Member Description
function_name Function name
file_name Full path for php file where event occurred
line_no Line number in the file
function_args An array with function arguments


Member Description
message The exception message
error_type Type of the error
error_type_str Short description of the error type
file_name The filename where the exception was created
line_no The line where the exception was created


The variables member contains an object with PHP superglobal variables with the following members:

Member Description
value An object with all the PHP superglobal variable values


The stack_trace member contains an array of frame objects with the following members:

Member Description
function_name Name of the function
file_name Full name of the PHP source file
line_no The line number if the PHP source file


The custom member contains an object with Custom Event data and can have the following members:

Member Description
type Optional type string
text Optional text
user_data Optional user data


The actions member contains an array of action objects with the following members:

Member Description
email Email address where notification was sent to, or empty
callback_url URL what was called, or empty
status Optional status of the action


The job member contains an object with JobQueue job data and CAN have the following members:

Member Description
job_id ID of the job
job_name Optional name of the job

ID of the queue

queue_name Name of the queue

Optional reason of the job execution failure


The CLI job script with all the arguments


The HTTP job url


Type of the job (one of cli or http)





  "issue_id": 33, "request_id": 1, "name": "Rule no 1", "severity": "critical", "time_sec": 1646831923, 
  "time_first_sec": 1641831923, "count": 1, "has_trace": "pending",
  "request": {"url": "", "pid": 1, "node_name": "zebra01", "php_version": "7.3.11"},
  "source": {"file_name": "/usr/local/zend/var/apps/http/__default__/0/sample/2.0_2/public/mtrig.php",
           "function_name": "functionName","line_no": 17, "function_args":[]},
  "error": {"message": "Exception", "code": 3, "file_name": "index.php", "line_no": 10},
  "stack_trace": [{"file_name":"index.php","function_name":"{main}","line_no":1}],
  "variables": {"_SERVER":{"values":{}},"_REQUEST":{"values":{}}},
  "actions": {"email": "", "callback_url": ""}

mon.get_events method

Requests a list of events associated with an issue. By default, the number of events in the response is limited to 50 events.


Member Description
method Fixed string "mon.get_events
params A JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain at least one the following values:

Member Description
issue_id The ID of the issue
request_id The ID of the request

The params member can contain the following additional values:

Member Description
count Maximum number of events included in the response


The result member contains an array of historical monitoring events as JSON objects with the following members:

Member Description
event_id A number uniquely identifying the event
issue_id A number uniquely identifying the issue
request_id A number uniquely identifying the request
has_code_trace yes / no / pending
time_sec UNIX time of the last event
name Rule name what caused the event generation
severity Event severity level

The severity member indicates severity of the issue and can have one of the following values:

  • "notice"

  • "warning"

  • "critical"





{"id":1,"result":[{"event_id":1, "issue_id":10, "time_sec":1622631380, "name":"Slow request", "severity":"critical"}]}

mon.get_event method

Requests the event details.


Member Description
method Fixed string "mon.get_event"
params A JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following value:

Member Description
event_id The ID of the event


The result member contains a JSON object and canhave the following members:

Member Description
event_id A number uniquely identifying the event
issue_id A number uniquely identifying the issue
request_id A number uniquely identifying the request
name Event name, based on rule name
type Type of the event
severity Event severity level
time_sec UNIX time of the event
has_code_trace yes / no / pending
request Optional request data object
function Optional function data object
error Optional error data object
stack_trace Optional stack trace
custom Optional custom event data object
variables Optional _SERVER, _REQUEST, etc
actions Optional, actions taken
exec_time_msec Optional function/query execution time in msec
memory_usage_bytes Optional memory usage in bytes
task_id Optional ID of the last JobQueue task
exec_failure Optional JobQueue task execution failure
exec_delay_sec Optional JobQueue task execution delay
job Optional JobQueue job data object

See mon.get_issue for the member value details.





  "result":{"event_id":1, "issue_id": 33, "request_id": 1, "name": "Rule no 1", 
            "severity": "critical", "time_sec": 1646831923, "has_trace": "pending",
            "request": {"url": "", "pid": 1,
                        "node_name": "zebra01", "php_version": "7.3.11"},
           "source": {"file_name": "/usr/local/zend/var/apps/http/__default__/0/sample/2.0_2/public/mtrig.php",
                      "function_name": "functionName","line_no": 17, "function_args":[]},
           "error": {"message": "Exception", "code": 3, "file_name": "index.php", "line_no": 10},
           "stack_trace": [{"file_name":"index.php","function_name":"{main}","line_no":1}],
           "variables": {"_SERVER":{"values":{}},"_REQUEST":{"values":{}}},
           "actions": {"email": "", "callback_url": ""}

mon.delete_issue method

Deletes an issue and all the related data.


Member Description
method Fixed string "mon.delete_issue"
params A JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following value:

Member Description
issue_id The ID of the issue


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".






mon.delete_event method

Deletes an event and all the related data. If this is the only event associated with an issue, then the issue is deleted too. Otherwise, the issue is update to reflect the deleted event.


Member Description
method Fixed string "mon.delete_event"
params A JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following value:

Member Description
event_id The ID of the event. Can be an array of ID values.


The result member contains the fixed string "OK". Note that the method succeeds even if there were no such events.






Namespace "ct"

The ct namespace manages Code Tracing data. Clients can query collected Code Tracing dumps.

A Code Tracing dump is a collection of PHP cod execution checkpoints with associated data. Code Tracing dumps are stored as binary blobs and processed in the background. Code Tracing dumps become available only after they are processed.

The client must have a session associated with it and the ZendHQ license must be valid.

ct.version method

Requests the ct namespace API version number from the server.


Member Description
method Fixed string "ct.version"


The result member contains the following values:

Member Description
major The Code Tracing API major version number
minor The Code Tracing API minor version number






ct.subscribe method

Subscribes the client to the Code Tracing data notification ct.trace_stored and ct.trace_status events.


Member Description
method Fixed string "ct.subscribe"


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".






ct.unsubscribe method

Unsubscribes the client to the Code Tracing data notifications.


Member Description
method Fixed string "ct.unsubscribe"


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".






ct.load_default_functions method

Loads the list of traced PHP internal functions from the default_traced_functions.json file and replaces the current list of traced PHP internal functions with the default one.


Member Description
method Fixed string "ct.load_default_functions"


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".






ct.get_traces method

Requests a list of Code Tracing traces. Use optional params members to get a filtered response. The default is to return up to 50 last traces stored in the database.


Member Description
method Fixed string "ct.get_traces"
params A JSON object with method parameters

The params member CAN contain the following values:

Member Description
count Maximum number of traces included in the response


The result member contains an array of Code Tracing traces as JSON objects with the following members:

Member Description
request_id The request ID
dump_reason Reason for the Code Tracing trace
status Status of the Code Tracing trace
time_sec UNIX time of the trace
url the URL of the request
node_name The name of the node that generated the trace
trace_size Total size (bytes) of the trace dump and json files

The dump_reason member indicates the reason for the Code Tracing trace and CAN have one of the following values:

Member Description
event Triggered by a Monitoring event
request Triggered by request parameters
user Triggered by the PHP user script





	   "dump_reason": "request",
	   "node_name": "node1",
	   "request_id": 2091,
	   "status": "processed",
	   "time_sec": 1661498681,
       "trace_size": 2730,
	   "url": "http://localhost:8080/test.php?dump_data=1"

ct.get_trace method

Requests the Code Tracing trace identified by a request ID value. The Code Tracing trace must be processed before the trace can be requested.


Member Description
method Fixed string "ct.get_trace"
params A JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following value:

Member Description
request_id The request ID value


The result member contains an array of Code Tracing trace as a JSON object with the following members:

Member Description
request_id The request ID
dump_reason Reason for the Code Tracing trace
time_sec UNIX time of the trace
trace_size Total size (bytes) of the trace dump and json files
url the URL of the request
node_name The name of the node that generated the trace
cp An array of Code Tracing checkpoints
fn An array of PHP function entries
cl An array of PHP class entries

See the Code Trace JSON file documentation for cp, fn, and cl array details.

ct.delete_trace method

Deletes the Code Tracing trace(s) and all the related data using the request ID value as identifier.


Member Description
method Fixed string "ct.delete_trace"
params A JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following value:

Member Description
request_id The ID of the request (can be an array of ID values)


The result member contains the fixed string "OK". Note that the method succeeds even if there were no traces with such request ID values.

ct.trace_stored event

The ct.trace_stored notification event is sent out when a new Code Tracing trace is received and stored on the server. The `params` member contains the following values:

Member Description
request_id The request ID
dump_reason Reason for the Code Tracing trace
status Fixed string "stored"
time_sec UNIX time of the trace
trace_size Size (bytes) of the trace dump file
url the URL of the request
node_name The name of the node that generated the trace



	"event": "ct.trace_stored",
	"params": {
		"dump_reason": "request",
		"node_name": "node1",
		"request_id": 2092,
		"status": "stored",
		"time_sec": 1661500680,
		"trace_size": 910,
		"url": "http://localhost:8080/test.php?dump_data=1"

ct.trace_status event

The ct.trace_status notification event is sent out when a Code Tracing trace status changes on the server. The params member contains the following values:

Member Description
request_id The request ID
status New Code Tracing trace status
trace_size Optional total size (bytes) of the trace dump and json file

The status member can have one of the following values:

Member Description
processed The Code Tracing trace is processed on the server
deleted The Code Tracing trace is deleted on the server



   "event": "ct.trace_status",
   "params": {
       "request_id": 2092,
	   "status": "processed",
	   "trace_size": 2730


Namespace "jq"

The jq namespace manages JobQueue jobs and queues.

  • A JobQueue job is a task that ZendHQ executes asynchronously on the ZendHQ daemon’s node or optionally on PHP nodes. The job can, for example, perform an HTTP request to a specific server.

  • A JobQueue queue is a scheduler that executes tasks one by one. The execution order is determined by the schedule and priority of jobs. Clients can create multiple JobQueue queues to execute tasks in parallel.

The client must have a session associated with it and the ZendHQ license must be valid.

Queue identifier

JobQueue queues are identified by a name or a numeric ID value. The jq namespace handler allows entering queue identifiers in multiple ways:

  • as a JSON object with elements name or id;

  • as a JSON string value with the name of the queue;

  • as a JSON numeric value with the ID value of the queue.

Queue name must be more than zero and less 256 characters long.

Queue ID value must be a positive integer value including zero.

The special ID value 0 is used to identify the default queue even if the default queue has a different ID value.

The following are valid queue identifiers:


Default Queue

The JobQueue always has a default queue, which cannot be deleted. By default, the default queue is identified by the queue name "__default__". The ID value 0 always identifies the default queue even if the actual ID value is different.

jq.version method

Requests the jq namespace API version number from the server.


Member Description
method Fixed string "jq.version"


The result member contains the following values:

Member Description
major The JobQueue API major version number
minor The JobQueue API minor version number






jq.subscribe method

Subscribes the client to JobQueue notification events. Replaces any previous JobQueue subscriptions for the same client.


Member Description

Fixed string "jq.subscribe"

params Optional JSON object with subscription filters

The params member CAN contain the following elements:

Member Description

Queue identifier or JSON array with queue identifiers


Job ID value or JSON array with job ID values (see notes below)

task_id Task ID value or JSON array with task ID values (see notes below)

Without any elements in the subscription filter, the client is subscribed to all the JobQueue notifications events.

With a queue element as an empty JSON array, the client is subscribed to all the queue related events.

With a queue elements as a single queue identifier or a JSON array with queue identifiers, the client is subscribed to specific queue related events.

Elements job_id and task_id are currently trigger elements and can have any value. At least one valid queue identifier must be specified in the queue element for these elements to be accepted.

If the job_id element exists with any values, then the client is also subscribed to all the job related events within specified queues.

If the task_id element exists with any values, then the client is also subscribed to all the task related events within specified queues.

Notice that the preferred value for job_id and task_id elements is an empty JSON array, which is future proof and keeps working the same way when additional job or task filtering is added.


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".


Client subscribes to all the queue and job related notification events in the queue “feeds”:




{"id": 2, "result": "OK"}

jq.unsubscribe method

Unsubscribes the client from JobQueue notification events.


Member Description
method Fixed string "jq.unsubscribe"


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".


Client unsubscribes from all the JobQueue notification events:




{"id": 3, "result": "OK"}

jq.add_queue method

Adds a queue to the JobQueue.

Triggers the "jq.queue_status" notification event.


Member Description

Fixed string "jq.add_queue"


JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following values:

Value Description

Name uniquely identifying the queue

The name member value is a string up to 256 characters uniquely identifying the queue. The name member value cannot be empty.

The params member can contain the following additional values:

Value Description

JSON boolean true value for creating suspended queues


Priority of the queue


JSON object with default values for jobs added to this queue

If the optional suspended member value is a JSON boolean value true, then the queue is created in the suspended state. By default, queues are active when created.

The optional priority member specifies the priority of the queue and must have one of the following values:

Queue priority values

Value Description


queue is running at low priority


queue is running at normal priority (default)


queue is running at high priority


queue is running at urgent priority

Queue priority value affects operating system scheduling policies and if two JobQueue queue schedulers are waking up at the same time, then the higher priority queue is scheduled first.

Queue priority value also affects the accuracy of scheduling timers. Higher priority queues are more likely executing jobs at the exact time scheduled for the job.

Notice that higher priority queues are more cpu intensive and can actually cause queue starvation if abused.

The job_defaults member specifies default values for jobs added to this queue and CAN have the following values:

Job Defaults

Member Description

Default job type


Default job priority


Default timeout value in seconds

max_retry_count Maximum number of retries
retry_delay Delay in seconds between retries
http_method Default HTTP request method for HTTP jobs
http_content_type Default content type for HTTP jobs

Default validate SSL certificates option for HTTP jobs


Default persist job option value


Default persist job output option value

The optional type member specifies the default job type for jobs added to this queue.

The optional priority member specifies the default job priority for jobs added to this queue.

The optional timeout member specifies the default timeout time in seconds for jobs in this queue. The value must

be a positive integer value greater than zero and less than 2147484.

The optional max_retry_count member specifies the default maximum number of retries for jobs in this queue. The value must be a positive integer value including zero.

The optional retry_delay member specifies the default delay time in seconds between retries. The value must be a positive integer value including zero and less than 2147484.

The optional http_method member specifies the default HTTP request method for HTTP jobs in this queue.

The optional http_content_type member specifies the default HTTP content type for HTTP POST and PUT jobs in this queue.

The optional validate_ssl member specifies the default validate SSL option for HTTP jobs over SSL in this queue.

The optional persist member specifies the default persist job option for jobs in this queue.

The optional persist_output member specifies the default persist job output option for jobs in this queue.

Application default values are used for missing elements.


The result member contains the ID value uniquely identifying the added queue.


Add a JobQueue queue with the name "feeds" and the default job timeout value 60 seconds:




{"id": 3, "result": 2}

jq.update_queue method

Modifies an existing queue in the JobQueue. Changing job default values does not affect existing jobs in the queue.

Triggers the "jq.queue_status" notification event.


Member Description

Fixed string "jq.update_queue"


JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following values:

Value Description

Queue identifier uniquely identifying the queue

The params member CAN contain the following values:

Value Description

New name of the queue


New priority of the queue


JSON object with new default values for jobs added to this queue

See the jq.add_queue method for member details.


The result member contains the ID value of the updated queue.


Change the name of the queue from "feeds" to "news":





jq.delete_queue method

Deletes a queue from the JobQueue. The queue must be suspended before it can be deleted. All the jobs in the queue are deleted too.

Notice that the default queue cannot be deleted.

Triggers the "jq.queue_status" notification event.


Member Description

Fixed string "jq.delete_queue"


JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following values:

Value Description


Queue identifier uniquely identifying the queue


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".


Delete the queue with the name "feeds":





jq.has_queue method

Checks that a queue exists in the JobQueue.


Member Description

Fixed string "jq.has_queue"


JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following values:

Value Description

Queue identifier uniquely identifying the queue


The result member contains a JSON boolean true or false value.


Check that a queue with the name "news" exists:





jq.suspend_queue method

Suspends a JobQueue queue. Suspended queues accept new jobs, but do not execute them while the queue is suspended.

If a job is currently running in the queue, then the queue is not suspended until the job is finished. The method still returns with an ok status.

Triggers the "jq.queue_status" notification event when the queue is suspended.


Member Description

Fixed string "jq.suspend_queue"


JSON object with method parameters

The params member CAN contain the following values:

Value Description


Queue identifier uniquely identifying the queue

Suspends the default queue if the queue identifier is not given.


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".


Suspend the queue with the name "feeds":





jq.activate_queue method

Activates a JobQueue queue. If the queue was previously suspended, then reschedules all the jobs based on their scheduled execution time and priority.

Triggers the "jq.queue_status" notification event if the queue is activated.


Member Description

Fixed string "jq.activate_queue"


JSON object with method parameters

The params member CAN contain the following values:

Value Description

Queue identifier uniquely identifying the queue

Activates the default queue if the queue identifier is not given.


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".


Activate the default queue:





jq.is_queue_suspended method

Checks that a queue is suspended.


Member Description

Fixed string "jq.is_queue_suspended"


JSON object with method parameters

The params member can contain the following values:

Value Description

Queue identifier uniquely identifying the queue

Checks the default queue if the queue identifier is not given.


The result member contains a JSON boolean true or false value.


Check that the queue with the name "feeds" is suspended:





jq.get_queues method

Returns a list of all the queues in the JobQueue.


Member Description

Fixed string "jq.get_queues"


The result member contains a JSON array with zero or more queue objects.

JobQueue object The JobQueue queue object contains the following values:

Value Description

A numeric value uniquely identifying the queue


A name uniquely identifying the queue


Number of scheduled jobs in the queue


Queue priority value


Queue status value

Optional JSON boolean true value identifying the default queue

Queue Status values

Value Description

Active (running) queue


Suspended queue


Deleted queue





  "id": 5,
  "result": [
    {"default": true, "id": 1, "jobs_count": 0, 
     "name": "__default__", "priority": "normal", "status": "running"},
    {"id": 2,"jobs_count": 2,"name": "feeds","priority": "normal","status": "running"}

jq.get_queue method

Returns queue details.


Member Description

Fixed string "jq.get_queue"


JSON object with method parameters

The params member CAN contain the following values:

Value Description

Queue identifier uniquely identifying the queue

Returns the default queue details if the queue identifier is not given.


The result member contains a JSON object with the following values:

Value Description

A numeric value uniquely identifying the queue


A name uniquely identifying the queue

jobs_count Number of scheduled jobs in the queue
priority Queue priority value
status Queue status value

Optional JSON boolean true value identifying the default queue


Job default values


Get details of the queue identified by the name "feeds":




  "id": 5,
  "result": {
    "id": 2,
      {"max_retries": 2, "persist": false, "persist_output": "no", "priority": "normal",
      "retry_delay": 1, "timeout": 60 },
    "jobs_count": 5,"name": "feeds","priority": "normal","status": "running"}

jq.add_job method

Adds a new job to the JobQueue.

Triggers "jq.queue_status" and "jq.job_status" notification events.


Member Description

Fixed string "jq.add_job"


JSON object with method parameters

The params object CAN contain the following values:

Value Description


Type of the job


Name of the job


Queue identifier uniquely identifying the queue
predecessor Predecessor job ID value
priority Priority of the job

Job timeout value in seconds

max_retry_count Maximum number of retries
retry_delay Delay in seconds between retries

JSON object with the schedule


Persist job option

persist_output Persist job output option
url The request URL for HTTP jobs

HTTP request method for HTTP jobs

http_headers HTTP request headers for HTTP jobs
http_query_args HTTP request query arguments for HTTP jobs

Validate SSL certificates option for HTTP jobs


HTTP body content type for HTTP POST and PUT jobs

http_body_vars HTTP body variables for HTTP POST and PUT jobs
http_raw_body Raw HTTP body for HTTP POST and PUT jobs

Name of the script for CLI jobs


Environment variables for CLI jobs


Regular expression specifying node names for CLI jobs

The optional type member specifies the type of the job and CAN have one of the following values:

Job type values

Value Description

HTTP request


Command-line script

The optional name member gives the job a name, which must be unique within the queue.

The optional queue member specifies the queue. If the queue member is omitted, then the job is added to the default queue.

The optional predecessor member specifies the predecessor job. The new job is executed only after the predecessor job is completed sucessfully. The predecessor job must be scheduled and not running before adding this job.

The optional priority member specifies the priority of the job and must have one of the following values:

Job priority values

Value Description


Low priority


Normal priority


High priority


Urgent priority

The priority value is used to determine the execution order of jobs if all the other attributes are equal, i.e. when two jobs are about to be executed at the same time, then the job with the higher priority is executed first.

The optional timeout member specifies the job execution timeout time in seconds and must be a positive integer value greater than zero and less than 2147484.

The optional max_retry_count member specifies the maximum number of retries if the job fails to execute due to an error or timeout. The value must be a positive integer value including zero.

The optional retry_delay member specifies the wait time in seconds between retries and must be a positive integer value including zero and less than 2147484.

The optional schedule member specifies when the job is executed and must contain one of the following members:

Job schedule

Member Description

Execution time as number of seconds since the EPOCH (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)


Execution time as date/time string


Recurring job with a cron-like schedule

The date_time member must be using either the ISO 8601 extended format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[<TZ>] or the relative time format +[[hh:]mm:]ss. The optional <TZ> time-zone suffix must be either Z for UTC or an offset as [+|-]hh:mm.

It is strongly suggested to always specify the time zone. Otherwise the time zone of the machine where the ZendHQ daemon process runs is used.

The following are valid date_time member values:

  • "2023-04-30T13:20:00Z"

  • "2023-04-30T16:20:00+03:00"

  • "+05:00"

The cron member specifies a recurring schedule using the following format:

<seconds> <minutes> <hours> <day-of-month> <month> <day-of-week>


Allowed values Allowed special characters
seconds 0-59 * , - /
minutes 0-59 * , - /
hours 0-23 * , - /
day-of-month 1-31 * , - /
month 1-12 or JAN-DEC * , - /


* , - /

If the schedule member is omitted, then the job is scheduled to be executed immediately.

The optional persist member can be used to make jobs and their execution history persistent and must have a JSON boolean true or false value.

Job persist values

  • true - the job and its execution history is never deleted during the database cleanup. Use this option with care.

  • false - the job and its execution history can be deleted during the regular database cleanup.

The optional persist_output member specifies what to do with job execution output and must have one of the following values:

Job persist output values

Value Description

Job execution output is always stored


Job execution output is never stored


Job execution output is stored on errors

If the type member value is http, then the params object must contain the following values:

Value Description

The request URL

The url member specifies the request URL for HTTP jobs and must be a valid URL with a http:// or https:// prefix.

If the type member value is http, then the params object can contain the following additional values:

Value Description

The HTTP request method

http_headers HTTP request headers
http_query_args HTTP request query arguments

Validate SSL certificates option

The optional http_method member specifies the HTTP request method and must have one of the following values:

Job HTTP request method values

Value Description

HTTP GET request


HTTP POST request


HTTP PUT request

The optional http_headers member specifies additional HTTP headers for HTTP jobs and must be a JSON object with key-value pairs.

The optional http_query_args member specifies additional HTTP query arguments for HTTP jobs and must be a JSON object with key-value pairs.

The optional validate_ssl member specifies how SSL certificates for HTTP jobs over SSL are validated and must be a JSON boolean true or false value:

Job validate SSL values

  • true - SSL certficates are validated and self-signed certificates are not allowed;

  • false - self-signed SSL certificates are allowed.

If the type member value is http and the http_method member value is post or put, then the params object can contain the following additional values:

Member Description
http_content_type The HTTP body content type

HTTP body variables

http_raw_body The raw HTTP body

The optional http_content_type member specifies the content type for HTTP POST and PUT job HTTP request body and must have one of the following values:

Job HTTP content type values

Value Description
json application/json


zend-server Compatible with Zend Server

The json content type encodes the content of the http_body_vars in JSON and sets the HTTP request header to "Content-Type: application/json".

The url-encoded content type encodes the content of the http_body_vars in key-value tuples separated by "&", with "=" between the key and the value. The HTTP request header is set to "Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded".

The zend-server content type is for backward compatibility with Zend Server JobQueue. The request body is encoded in JSON, but the HTTP request header is set to "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded".

The optional http_body_vars member specifies the HTTP body variables as key-value pairs and must be a JSON object.

The optional http_raw_body member specifies the complete HTTP request body and must be a JSON string.

The http_content_type and http_body_vars members are ignored if the http_raw_body member is used.

If the type member value is cli, then the params object must contain the following values:

Value Description


The name of the CLI script

The script member specifies the name of the command-line script to be executed with the full path and optional arguments.

The value of the script member is processed using the following rules:

  • Backslash \ characters followed by one of the following characters \, , ", and ' are removed and the following character preserves the literal value of the character; backslashes preceding characters without special meaning are left unmodified;

  • Enclosing characters in single ' quotes preserve the literal value of each character within the quotes; a single quote may not occur between single quotes;

  • Enclosing characters in double " quotes preserve the literal value of each character within the quotes, with the exception of \; a double " quote may be quoted within double quotes by preceding it with a backlash;

If the type member value is cli, then the parameters object CAN contain the following additional values:

Value Description


Environment variables for the CLI job

Regular expression specifying node names

The optional env member specifies environment variables for command-line script as key-value pairs and must be a JSON object.

The optional nodes member specifies a regular expression for node names on which the command-line script is allowed to run. If the nodes member is omitted, then the command-line script is executed only on the machine where the ZendHQ daemon process is running.

Job default values from the queue are used for all the missing elements.


Add a HTTP job to the queue "feeds" with relative execution time +2 minutes from now:


  "id":5, "method": "jq.add_job", "params": 
    "queue": {"name": "feeds"}, 
    "type": "http",
    "url": "https://zend.com/JobQueueTask.php",
    "schedule": { "date_time": "+02:00" }


  "id": 5,
  "result": 5

jq.update_job method

Modifies an existing job in the JobQueue.

One-time jobs can be modified only before they are executed. Recurring jobs can be modified any time, but if a task is already running, then that task is not changed.

Triggers the "jq.job_status" notification event.


Member Description
method Fixed string "jq.update_job"
params JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following values:

Value Description
id ID value of the job

Any additional members specify changed values. See the jq.add_job method for members details. Members not in the params object are left unchanged.

It is not possible to change the queue identifier for jobs.


The result member contains the ID value of the updated job.


Change the recurring cron schedule for a job with the ID value 12:


  "id": 4, "method": "jq.update_job",
  "params": {"id": 12, "schedule": {"cron": "0 */3 * * * *"} }



jq.delete_job method

Deletes a job from the JobQueue. The job is marked deleted and moved to the history.

Triggers "jq.job_status", "jq.job_finished" and "jq.queue_status" notification events.


Member Description
method Fixed string "jq.delete_job"
params JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following values:

Value Description
id ID value of the job


The result member contains the fixed string "OK".


Delete a job with the ID value 12:


{"id" :4, "method": "jq.delete_job", "params": {"id" :12}}



jq.get_jobs method

Returns a list of all the scheduled jobs in all the queues or in a specific queue.


Member Description
method Fixed string "jq.get_jobs"
params Optional JSON object with method parameters

The params member CAN contain the following values:

Value Description

Queue identifier


The result member contains a JSON array with jobs in the “native” execution order grouped by queues.

Job object

The JobQueue job object contains the following values:

Value Description


A numeric value uniquely identifying the job

Optional name of the job


Type of the job


Queue identifier


Job priority value


Scheduled execution time as UNIX time (seconds since the EPOCH)


Job status value


Optional JSON boolean true value identifying recurring jobs

Job status values

Value Description

Job is created, but not scheduled yet

scheduled Job is scheduled and waiting for the scheduled execution time

Job has a predecessor, which is not executed yet


Job is being executed


Job is suspended


Job timed out


Job failed due to no worker

failed-worker-error Job failed due to worker error

Job is deleted


Job is successfully completed


Job status is unknown due to an interruption


Get all the scheduled jobs in the queue "feeds":




  "id": 4, "result": [
  { "id": 3, "priority": "normal", "queue": { "id": 2, "name": "feeds" },
    "scheduled_time_sec": 1677660955, 
    "status": "scheduled",
    "type": "http"
  { "id": 4, "priority": "normal", "queue": { "id": 2, "name": "feeds" },
    "recurring": true,
    "scheduled_time_sec": 1677661020,
    "status": "scheduled",
    "type": "http"

jq.get_job method

Returns job details.


Member Description

Fixed string "jq.get_job"

params JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following values:

Value Description
id ID value of the job


The result member is a JSON object with the job details and contains the following members:

Member Description
id ID value of the job


Optional name of the job


Queue identifier


Priority of the job


Optional scheduled execution time as UNIX time (seconds since the EPOCH)
status Job status value

Type of the job


Optional predecessor job ID value


Optional JSON boolean true value identifying a recurring job


Optional JSON object with the schedule

creation_time_sec Job creation time as UNIX time (seconds since the EPOCH)

Job timeout value in seconds


Maximum number of retries

retry_count Optional retry count
retry_delay Delay in seconds between retries
persist Persist job option

Persist job output option

url Optional request URL for HTTP jobs
http_method Optional HTTP request method for HTTP jobs
http_content_type Optional HTTP content type for HTTP jobs

Optional raw HTTP body for HTTP jobs


Optional HTTP body variables for HTTP jobs

http_headers Optional HTTP request headers for HTTP jobs
http_query_args Optional HTTP request query arguments for HTTP jobs
validate_ssl Optional validate SSL option for HTTP jobs
script Optional command-line script for CLI jobs

Optional environment variables for CLI jobs

Notice that the optional schedule member can only contain unix_time or cron values.


Get job details for a job with the ID value 4:


{"id": 4, "method": "jq.get_job", "params": {"id": 4}}


    "id": 4,
	"result": {
		"creation_time_sec": 1677660895,
		"http_body_vars": { "bar": "baz","foo": "bar","forty-two": 42 },
		"http_content_type": "json",
		"http_headers": {
			"Accept": "application/json",
			"Authorization": "token 1234",
			"Connection": "close",
			"Content-Type": "application/vnd.jq+json",
			"User-Agent": "ZendHQ Job Queue/1.3.0",
			"X-Zend-Job-Timeout": "60"
		"http_method": "POST",
		"http_query_args": { "sort": "asc" }, 
		"id": 4, "max_retry_count": 3, "persist": false,"persist_output": "no", "priority": "normal", 
		"queue": {"id": 2, "name": "feeds"},
		"recurring": true, "retry_delay": 1,
		"schedule": {"cron": "0 */3 * * * *"},
		"scheduled_time_sec": 1677663360, "status": "scheduled", "timeout": 60,	"type": "http",
		"url": "https://zend.com/JobQueueTask.php",
		"validate_ssl": false

jq.get_job_history method

Returns a list of completed tasks. Completed tasks are executed jobs that were either successful or failed due to an

error. The returned list of tasks is in the reverse task ID value order starting with the latest task.


Member Description

Fixed string "jq.get_job_history"


Optional JSON object with method parameters

The params member CAN contain the following values:

Value Description

Maximum number of returned tasks (defaults to 50)

last_id ID value of the last seen task for implementing pagers

Task filter as a JSON object

The optional count member can be used to limit the number of returned tasks.

The optional last_id member can be used to implement pagers by providing the last seen smallest task ID value.

The optional filter member can be used to filter tasks and can contain the following members:

Member Description

Only tasks from the specified queue


Only recurring or only one time jobs


Only tasks with the specific job ID value


Only tasks with the specific status

The optional queue member can be used to return only tasks from the specified queue.

The optional recurring member must have a JSON boolean true or false value. If set to true, returns only recurring job tasks. If set to false, returns only one time job tasks.

The optional job_id member can be used to return only specific job tasks.

The optional status member can be used to return only tasks with the specified status and can have one of the following values:

Value Description

Only tasks that were completed successfully


Only tasks that failed


Only deleted tasks


Only tasks that have unknown status due to interruption


The result member is a JSON array with tasks, which contain the following values:

Value Description

The ID value of the task

job_id The ID value of the job

Optional name of the job


Type of the job


Queue identifier


Status of the task


Optional JSON boolean true value identifying a recurring job


Optional number of retries used to reach the completion status


Optional completion time as a UNIX time (seconds since the EPOCH)


Get the list of completed tasks in the queue "feeds":




  "id": 7,
  "result": [{
    "completion_time_sec": 1677668580, "id": 35, "job_id": 4,
    "queue": {"id": 2, "name": "feeds" },
    "recurring": true,"status": "completed","type": "http"
    "completion_time_sec": 1677668400,"id": 34,"job_id": 4,
    "queue": {"id": 2,"name": "feeds"},
    "recurring": true,"status": "completed","type": "http"

jq.get_task method

Return individual task details.


Member Description


Fixed string "jq.get_task"

JSON object with method parameters

The params member must contain the following values:

Value Description
id The ID value of the task


The result member a JSON object with the task details and contains the following values:

Member Description


The ID value of the task

The ID value of the job


Optional name of the job


Type of the job


Queue identifier


Status of the task


Optional JSON boolean true value identifying a recurring job


Optional number of retries used to reach the completion status


Job creation time as UNIX time (seconds since the EPOCH)


Optional time when task execution started as UNIX time (seconds since the EPOCH)

completion_time_sec Optional completion time as a UNIX time (seconds since the EPOCH)

Optional output of the task


The URL of the HTTP job

http_method The HTTP request method of the HTTP job
http_query_args Optional HTTP query arguments as an encoded string
http_headers Optional HTTP query headers as an encoded string
http_body Optional HTTP request body as an encoded string

The script name of the CLI job


Optional node names where the task was run


Optional environment variables for the CLI job as an encoded string


Get the details of a task:




"id": 8,
"result": {
"completion_time_sec": 1677668400,"creation_time_sec": 1677660895,
"http_body": "{\"bar\":\"baz\",\"foo\":\"bar\",\"forty-two\":42}",
"http_method": "POST",
"http_query_args": "sort=asc",
"id": 34,"job_id": 4,
"output": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nServer: nginx\r\nDate: Wed, 01 Mar 2023 11:00:00 GMT\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\nConnection: close\r\nStrict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains\r\n\r\n<p>query arguments: sort=asc</p><p>working...done!</p>
"queue": {"id": 2,"name": "feeds"},
"recurring": true,
"start_time_sec": 1677668400,
"status": "completed",
"type": "http",
"url": "https://zend.com/JobQueueTask.php"

jq.queue_status event

The jq.queue_status notification event is sent out every time the status of a queue changes:

  • Queue added

  • Queue modified

  • Queue deleted

  • Number of scheduled jobs changed

  • Queue suspended

  • Queue activated

The params member contains the following values:

Value Description
id ID value of the queue

Name of the queue

jobs_count Number of scheduled jobs in the queue
priority Queue priority value

Queue status value


Optional JSON boolean true value identifying the default queue



"event": "jq.queue_status",
"params": {
"default": true, "id": 1, "jobs_count": 3, "name": "__default__",
"priority": "normal", "status": "suspended"

jq.job_status event

The jq.job_status notification event is sent out every time the status of a job changes:

  • Job added

  • Job modified

  • Job deleted

  • Job scheduled

  • Job started execution

  • Job execution finished

The params member contains the following values:

Value Description

ID value of the job


Optional name of the job


Type of the job


Queue identifier


Job priority value

scheduled_time_sec Scheduled execution time as UNIX time (seconds since the EPOCH)

Job status value


JSON boolean true value identifying recurring jobs



"event": "jq.job_status",
"params": {
"id": 4,"priority": "normal",
"queue": {"id": 2,"name": "feeds"},
"recurring": true, "scheduled_time_sec": 1677669840, "status": "running", "type": "http"

jq.job_finished event

The jq.job_finished notification event is sent out when a job is removed from the queue and moved to the history:

  • one-time job has finished execution; or

  • one-time or recurring job is deleted.

The params member contains the following values:

Value Description

ID of the job



{ "event": "jq.job_finished", "params": { "id": 6 } }

jq.task_finished event

The jq.task_finished notification event is sent out when a task execution is finished.

The params member contains the following values:

Value Description


The ID value of the task


The ID value of the job

Optional name of the job


Type of the job


Queue identifier


Status of the task

Optional JSON boolean true value identifying a recurring job

retry_count Optional number of retries used to reach the completion status
start_time_sec Start time as a UNIX time (seconds since the EPOCH)
completion_time_sec Completion time as a UNIX time (seconds since the EPOCH)



"event": "jq.task_finished",
"params": {
"completion_time_sec": 1677670316,
"id": 46,"job_id": 6,
"queue": {"id": 2,"name": "feeds"},
"retry_count": 3, "start_time_sec": 1677670315,
"status": "failed-worker-error", "type": "http"