ZendHQ Service Configuration

You can find the configuration for the ZendHQ daemon in the file /opt/zend/zendphp/etc/zendhqd.ini. The default configuration file looks as follows:



# ZendHQ Daemon configuration file.

# Common configuration

# Name of the log file
# Logging will be completely disabled, if this directive is missing or empty.
# Default value is empty = logging disabled.
zendhqd.log_file = /opt/zend/zendphp/var/log/zendhqd.log

# Name of the pid file.
# If set, writes the pid value of the ZendHQ process into this file
# Default value is empty = no pid file
; zendhqd.pid_file = /opt/zend/zendphp/var/run/zendhqd.pid

# Daemonize the ZendHQ
# If set to 1, then daemonizes the ZendHQ process
# Default value is 0 = do not daemonize
; zendhqd.daemonize = 0

# Defines how verbose the log file is.
#  -1 - only system messages
#   0 - system and error messages
#   1 - system, error, and warning messages
#   2 - system, error, warning, and info messages
#   3 - all above plus debug level 1 messages
#   4 - all above plus debug level 2 messages
#   5 - all above plus debug level 3 messages
# Default value is 2 = system, error, warning, and info messages.
; zendhqd.log_verbosity_level = 2

# Directory where the Z-Ray extension can store temporary files
# The Z-Ray Daemon process shall have full access to that directory.
# Default value is read from the TMPDIR environment variable.
; zendhqd.tmp_dir = /tmp

# The user name or uid value under which the ZendHQ will run.
# In order to use this directive, the ZendHQ shall be run initially as root.
# If the ZendHQ is started as a non-root user, it will keep running as that
# user.
# The default value is -1 = no privileges are dropped for the ZendHQ process.
; zendhqd.user = -1

# The group name or gid value under which the ZendHQ will run.
# In order to use this directive, the ZendHQ shall be run initially as root.
# If the ZendHQ is started as a non-root user, it will keep running as that
# user.
# The default value is -1 = no privileges are dropped for the ZendHQ process.
; zendhqd.group = -1

# Directory where ZendHQ extensions are located.
# The default value depends on the operating system.
zendhqd.extensions_dir = /opt/zend/zendphp/lib

# Application configuration.

# ZendHQ Session extension.
# Implements client sessions for ZendHQ applications
zendhqd.extension = zendhq_session

# Session timeout in seconds.
# Drops disconnected sessions after the configured amount of seconds.
# The default value is 600 seconds.
zendhqd.session.timeout = 600

# Session authentication token hash
# Client sessions are authenticated against the token hash and a new session is
# created only if the token given by the client matches the configured token hash.
# The default value matches the authentication token 'zendphp'.
zendhqd.session.auth_token_hash = 8cb3000d2add8d41459625bc5a7a6139628b4d3d59ae512c549f87470d6b2481

# ZendHQ Config extension.
# Implements configuration support for ZendHQ applications
zendhqd.extension = zendhq_conf

# Full path of the SQLITE database used for ZendHQ Config values
zendhqd.conf.database_path = /opt/zend/zendphp/var/db/conf.db

# ZeroMQ extension.
# Implements the ZeroMQ connection for ZendPHP.
zendhqd.extension = zendhq_zmq

# The uri of the ZeroMQ REQ/REP socket.
# This value shall match with the z_ray.daemon_uri directive.
# Default value is 'tcp://'.
# On Unix systems an UNIX domain socket with appropriate permissions could be
# used too.
; zendhqd.daemon_uri = ipc:///tmp/z_ray.sock
zendhqd.daemon_uri = tcp://

# The uri of the ZeroMQ PUB/SUB socket.
# Default value is 'tcp://'
zendhqd.daemon_pub_uri = tcp://

# Websocket extension.
# Implements the websocket server interface for ZendHQ.
zendhqd.extension = zendhq_ws

# The websocket server interface [[<ip-address>|*]:]<port>.
# Specifies the interface and port number where the websocket server is listening.
# Default value is empty meaning that the websocket server is disabled.
# This directive can be given multiple times to listen on multiple interfaces or port numbers.
# Listen on all the interfaces and port number 10091. This is a dual stack any-address that makes the
# websocket server to listen both IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces. 'netstat' on Linux systems may report that
# the ZendHQ process is only listening on the 'tcp6' interface when this option is used.
;zendhqd.websocket.interface = *:10091
# Listen on the IPv4 loopback address only and port number 10091
zendhqd.websocket.interface =
# Listen on the IPv6 loopback address only and port number 10091
;zendhqd.websocket.interface = ::1:10091

# Socket server extension.
# Implements the TCP/IP socket server interface for ZendHQ.
zendhqd.extension = zendhq_sock

# The socket server listening interface [[<ip-address>|*]:]<port>.
# Specifies the interface and port number where the socket server is listening.
# Default value is empty meaning that the socket server is disabled.
# This directive can be given multiple times to listen on multiple interfaces or port numbers.
# Listen on all the interfaces and port number 10093. This is a dual stack any-address that makes the
# socket server to listen both IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces. 'netstat' on Linux systems may report that
# the ZendHQ process is only listening on the 'tcp6' interface when this option is used.
;zendhqd.socket.interface = *:10093
# Listen on the IPv4 loopback address only and port number 10093
;zendhqd.socket.interface =
# Listen on the IPv6 loopback address only and port number 10093
;zendhqd.socket.interface = ::1:10093

# Message Queue extension.
# Implements Message Queue for messages received via the ZeroMQ connection.
zendhqd.extension = zray_mq

# Z-Ray historical data extension.
# Implements Z-Ray historical data storage.
zendhqd.extension = zray_db

# Full path of the SQLITE database used for Z-Ray historical data
zendhqd.zray_db.database_path = /opt/zend/zendphp/var/db/z_ray.db

# Z-Ray historical data cleanup frequency in minutes.
# Set to 0 to disable cleanup.
# Default value is 10 minutes.
zendhqd.zray_db.cleanup_frequency = 10

# Z-Ray historical data limit in number of days.
# Any requests older than this number of days will be deleted.
# The default value is 7 days
zendhqd.zray_db.history_time = 7

# Z-Ray historical data limit in number of requests.
# If the number of Z-Ray historical requests grows larger than this value, then
# older requests will be deleted.
# The default value is 10000 requests.
zendhqd.zray_db.history_requests = 10000

# Monitoring extension.
# Implements the Monitoring events queue.
zendhqd.extension = zendhq_monitor

# Full path of the SQLITE database used for Monitoring data
zendhqd.monitor.database_path = /opt/zend/zendphp/var/db/monitor.db

# Turns monitoring event aggregation on and off
# If event aggregation is turned on, then similar monitoring events will be
# combined into monitoring issues with a counter.
# If event aggregation is turned off, then all the monitoring events will be
# reported as individual issues.
# The default value is 0 (aggregation off)
;zendhqd.monitor.aggregate_events = 1

# Historical Monitoring data cleanup frequency in minutes.
# Set to 0 to disable cleanup.
# Default value is 10 minutes.
zendhqd.monitor.cleanup_frequency = 10

# Historical Monitoring data limit in number of days.
# Monitoring issues that do not reoccur during this number of days will be deleted.
# The default value is 30 days
zendhqd.monitor.history_time = 30

# Code Tracing extension
# Implements Code Tracing support
zendhqd.extension = zendhq_codetracing

# Full path of the SQLITE database used for Code Tracing data
zendhqd.codetracing.database_path = /opt/zend/zendphp/var/db/codetracing.db

# Full path of the directory where Code Trace dump files are stored
# The directory must be writable by the ZendHQ daemon process.
zendhqd.codetracing.path = /opt/zend/zendphp/var/codetracing

# Code Tracing data cleanup frequency in minutes.
# Set to 0 to disable cleanup.
# Default value is 10 minutes.
zendhqd.codetracing.cleanup_frequency = 10

# Code Tracing data limit in number of days.
# Code Traces older than this number of days will be deleted. Setting this value
# to zero disables time limit.
# The default value is 30 days
zendhqd.codetracing.history_time = 30

# Code Tracing data limit in number of traces.
# If the number of Code Trace traces grows larger than this value, then older
# traces will be deleted. Setting this value to zero disables checking the number
# of traces.
# The default value is 100 traces.
zendhqd.codetracing.history_traces = 100

# Code Tracing data limit in number of MBytes.
# If the total size of Code Trace traces including processed files grows larger
# than this value, then older traces will be deleted.
# Notice that this is not a hard limit and the limit is applied only during the
# startup and data cleanup.
# Setting this value to zero disables checking for the data size.
# The default value is 500 MB.
zendhqd.codetracing.history_size = 500

# Job Queue extension
# Implements Job Queue support
zendhqd.extension = zendhq_jobqueue

# Full path of the SQLITE database used for Job Queue data
zendhqd.jobqueue.database_path = /opt/zend/zendphp/var/db/jobqueue.db

# Maximum number of Job Queue queues
# This parameter limits the maximum allowed number of Job Queue queues.
# MUST be a positive integer value greater than zero.
# The default value is 12
;zendhqd.jobqueue.max_queues = 12

# Job Queue historical data cleanup frequency in minutes.
# Set to 0 to disable cleanup (notice that database is still cleaned up once during
# the startup).
# Default value is 10 minutes.
zendhqd.jobqueue.cleanup_frequency = 10

# Job Queue historical data limit in number of days.
# Any completed or deleted jobs older than this number of days will be removed
# from the database except jobs with the `persist` attribute set to true.
# The historical data limit for failed jobs is configured separately using the
# `jobqueue.history_time_failed` directive.
# The default value is 7 days
zendhqd.jobqueue.history_time = 7

# Job Queue failed job historical data limit in number of days.
# Any failed job older than this number of days will be removed from the database
# except jobs with the `persist` attribute set to true.
# If unset, uses the `jobqueue.history_time` directive value.
# The default value is unset.
;zendhqd.jobqueue.history_time_failed = 14

# Name of the default Job Queue queue
# The default Job Queue queue is always present and cannot be deleted.
# The default value is '__default__'
;zendhqd.jobqueue.default_queue_name = __default__

# Allow running CLI jobs with root privileges.
# If set to 1, 'TRUE', 'YES', or 'ON', then CLI job runners are available even when
# the ZendHQ daemon runs with root privileges.
# If set to 0, 'FALSE', 'NO', or 'OFF', then CLI job runners are not available when
# the ZendHQ daemon runs with root privileges.
# WARNING: running CLI jobs while the ZendHQ daemon runs with root privileges puts
# the system at great risk.
# The default value is '0'
;zendhqd.jobqueue.enable_cli_jobs_as_root = 0

# Specifies the time in seconds a job is allowed to start later than scheduled
# before reporting the "jq-exec-delay" monitoring event. Monitoring rules can
# specify different trigger values, but they cannot be smaller than this value.
# Must be a positive integer value including zero.
# The default value is 10 seconds.
# Set to zero to completely disable "jq-exec-delay" monitoring events.
;zendhqd.jobqueue.allowed_exec_delay = 10

# Default job type for queues and jobs without an explicit job type value
# Valid values are 'http', 'cli'.
# The default value is 'http'
;zendhqd.jobqueue.job_type = http

# Default content type for HTTP jobs
# Valid values are 'json', 'url-encoded', 'zend-server'.
# The 'json' type sends HTTP POST request data encoded in JSON and the 'Content-Type'
# header set to 'application/json'.
# The 'url-encoded' type sends HTTP POST request data in in key-value tuples separated
# by `&`, with `=` between the key and the value. The 'Content-Type' header set to
# 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
# The 'zend-server' type is for backwards compatibility with the Zend Server's
# Job Queue. HTTP POST request data is encoded in JSON, but the 'Content-Type'
# header is set to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
# The default value is 'json'
;zendhqd.jobqueue.http_content_type = json

# Default request method for HTTP jobs
# Valid values are 'GET', 'POST', and 'PUT'.
# The default value is 'POST'
;zendhqd.jobqueue.http_method = POST

# Default persist job option
# If set to 1, 'TRUE', 'YES', or 'ON', then the history of these jobs is kept
# forever.
# If set to 0, 'FALSE', 'NO', or 'OFF', then the history of these jobs is deleted
# during the database cleanup.
# WARNING: there is no mechanism to delete the history of jobs with the 'persist_job'
# flag set to 'TRUE' and the size of the database is allowed to grow forever.
# The default value is '0'
;zendhqd.jobqueue.persist_job = 0

# Default persist job output option
# Valid values are 'yes', 'no', 'error'.
# If set to 'yes', then output of Job Queue jobs is stored in the database.
# If set to 'no', then the output of Job Queue jobs is not stored in the database.
# If set to 'error', then the output of failed Job Queue jobs is stored in the database.
# The default value is 'no'
;zendhqd.jobqueue.persist_job_output = error

# Maximum size of the job output that is stored in the database in kilobytes.
# Specifies the maximum size of job output stored to the database. Job output
# larger than this value is truncated.
# A zero value disables checking for the maximum job output size.
# The default value is 63 KB
;zendhqd.jobqueue.max_job_output_size = 63

# Default validate SSL flag for HTTP jobs
# If set to 1, 'TRUE', 'YES', or 'ON', then HTTP jobs with a https url validate
# the server certificate and do not allow self-signed certificates.
# If set to 0, 'FALSE', 'NO', or 'OFF', then HTTP jobs with a https url still
# validate the server certificate, but allow self-signed sertificates.
# The default value is 0
;zendhqd.jobqueue.validate_ssl = 1

# Default job timeout in seconds
# Job Queue jobs time out if they are not completed within this amount of time.
# MUST be a positive integer value greater than zero.
# The timeout value can be overwritten when creating queues or jobs.
# The default value is 120 seconds
;zendhqd.jobqueue.job_timeout = 120

# Default maximum retry count for jobs that fail or time out
# MUST be a positive (zero include) integer value.
# Setting this value to zero disables retries.
# The maximum retry count can be overwritten when creating queues or jobs.
# The default value is 2
;zendhqd.jobqueue.job_retry_count = 2

# Default time between retries in number of seconds
# If a job fails or times out, then waits this number of seconds before retrying.
# MUST be a positive (zero included) integer value.
# The retry delay can be overwritten when creating queues or jobs.
# The default value is 1 second
;zendhqd.jobqueue.job_retry_delay = 1

Below are the primary configuration values you may need to change:

  • zendhqd.daemon_uri: change this value if you need the daemon to listen for activity from ZendPHP instances on a different IP address or port. Most commonly, particularly in Docker, you will set this to tcp://, indicating you want to listen on any available IP address via port 10090.
  • zendhqd.websocket.interface: change this value if you need the websocket, used for the ZendHQ User Interface and the websocket API, to listen on a different IP address or port. Most commonly, particularly in Docker, you will set this to :10091, indicating you want to listen on any available IP address via port 10091.
  • zendhqd.monitor.aggregrate_events: enable this (set to "1") if you want the event log to report an aggregate count for a triggered event type. When you do, the event log will not show multiple entries for events of the same type and severity; when opening the event callout, it includes information on the first and last times the event was triggered, and the rest of the details are derived from the most recent event.

Restarting zendhqd

After making configuration changes, you need to restart the ZendHQ daemon. For example:

$ sudo systemctl restart zendhqd