ZendHQ Docker image

We provide a ZendHQ container image suitable for use with Docker or Podman:

  • cr.zend.com/zendhq

For a full list of available tags, including variants for ARM images, see our container registry cr.zend.com.

All ZendHQ container images can be configured via a combination of build arguments and /entrypoint.d/ scripts.

Build arguments

Build Argument Default Purpose
OS_ID One of "ubuntu", "debian", or "centos", based on image tag Identifies the operating system
OS_VERSION Based on image tag Identifies the operating system version used in image
S6OVERLAY_VERSION v2.2.0.3 Identifies the version of the s6-overlay to use in the container; must be in the v2 series
ZENDHQ_TOKEN zendphp The token to use when authenticating with ZendHQ

The entrypoint.d directory

You may place the following in the /entrypoint.d/ directory, to have the following effects:

  • zendhqd.ini: The file that is used as the zendhqd.ini file by the container.
  • default_monitor_rules.json: The default_monitor_rules.json file that is used by the container to seed monitoring rules on zendhqd initialization.
  • license: Your ZendHQ license file.
  • *.sh: Any executable shell scripts in this directory are executed during container initialization.


The ZendHQ images contain the script /usr/local/bin/healthcheck.sh. Use this healthcheck in your orchestration to verify that the ZendHQ daemon is running.

As an example, from a docker-compose.yml configuration, use the following code:

  test: /usr/local/bin/healthcheck.sh
  interval: 30s
  timeout: 10s
  retries: 5
  start_period: 30s

ZendPHP user and group

The Docker images create the following users and groups:

  • A zendphp user with UID 10000

  • A zendphp group with GID 10001

Use this user and group to set permissions of directories and files mounted through volumes, for example, the database directory.


  • If a ZENDHQ_TOKEN build argument is provided, its value is injected into the zendhqd.ini file after it has been copied from the /entrypoint.d/ directory.

  • Any files in the /entrypoint.d/ directory other than those listed in the above section are ignored.

  • We recommend running the ZendHQ docker images as the zendphp user.

  • If you wish to persist the ZendHQ database between invocations of the container, create a read/write volume, and map it to /opt/zend/zendphp/var/db in your container.

    The following databases are persisted:

    • codetracing.db holds any captured code traces

    • conf.db holds configuration that is distributed to PHP nodes (e.g. monitoring rules)

    • jobqueue.db holds the queue and job definitions, as well as job history.

    • monitor.db holds captured monitoring events.

    • user.db holds the group, user, and permissions entries for access management.

    • z_ray.db holds captured Z-Ray events.

  • For more information on Dockerfile customizations for RHEL customers, see Using RHEL-based-Docker-containers.